Let's face it, things get easier when you hit it a little bit further. In all honesty, they get a lot easier. Having a 9 iron into the green versus a 6 iron gives you a much better shot at knocking down pins so though they say it's driving for show and putting for dough, I like to putt for my dough from really close to the pin. Here are three easy, quick tips to hit the golf ball deeper and as a result, much closer to the pin for your next million dollar putt.

First, get your breathing under control to hit the ball farther. Your breathing is so easy to control and so pivotal to your power production that it's an absolute shock that this information isn't more readily available to more golfers. Breathing properly can increase your power capability by upwards of 15-20% instantly. Dentists make mouth guards that actually protect teeth and relax jaw muscles to make sure the athlete can get a full flow of air into their body to take advantage of the amazing benefits the extra air provides. Unfortunately, golfers don't wear mouth guards so the information hasn't trickled over at present. That being said, all you have to do is make sure you're breathing in a relaxed manner and you're halfway to utilizing this extra power. The other half of harnessing breathing power is to make sure you're exhaling as you hit the ball.

Exhaling during your downswing will expel excess air out of your abdominal cavity allowing your abdominals to fully contract and fully engage your core to boost power and stability as you impact the ball. Next time you swing, calm your breathing and breathe out swiftly as you swing down and you'll harness this instant extra distance literally every time you swing the golf club.

Golf swing distance tip number two is another instant trick you can do to add length to your golf swing: Get your shoulders moving. The more you get your shoulders turned back against your upper body, the more torque you're going to build up and thus, the more stored energy will be unleashed into the shot once you swing. Here's the trick to doing this properly: Make sure you're turning your torso. You don't want to turn your shoulders against your ribcage. This isn't going to build any power and it's also likely to throw off your alignment. Focus on using your abs to help you turn your torso and shoulders back and through for optimal power and once again, don't forget to breathe properly during all of this.

The third golf swing power tip comes by way of opening the front foot just a touch. Open your front foot about ten degrees keeping the heel of the foot in the same place. This will allow your hips a touch more freedom and improve your ability to follow through on shots. This is an especially good tip for players that are less flexible then they used to be. Keep in mind that opening your foot further doesn't add to the effect. There's a basic balance we're creating here and breeching 10-15 degrees of opening would likely disrupt alignment and other aspects of your golf swing power production. Though it's good for the hips to come through, it's not good if the whole body comes through.

There's a bit more info on these simple golf swing power tips that can be found at Better Golf Secrets. Click the link and uncover more simple, useful golf swing power information right now!


Ty Cooper


Source by Ty Cooper

Learning the sensate focus exercises together can even heal a troubled relationship. You simply cannot do them well unless you learn to shut out the world temporarily and concentrate totally on each other. Gradually, you get into the habit of setting aside time to be with each other in a pleasurably way, and to communicate honestly about your needs and feelings. Research shows that people, who know how to communicate their feelings, in both verbal and nonverbal ways, are healthier-both physically and emotionally.

You can learn to intensify the healing powder of sex by consciously it when you make love. Some esoteric eastern traditions even prescribe certain positions and sexual exercises to heal specific organs. While that is beyond the scope of this book, I would like to teach you a simple way to experience the healing power of sex.

Sexual Healing

There is little that can do more to boost sense of well being than knowing that your partner cares for you and desires you sexually. One way to express this is each other is to take turns making love to each other. Do it in a way that allows you give yourself 100 percent to the experience.

Have your partner lie back and relax. Lovingly lock your gaze on your partner's eyes as you psychologically draw your partner in and compel him or her to focus on what you are doing. The more you enjoy what you are doing, and the more intently you focus the more effective this will be.

Caress your partner's body with your hand. Place your ear on top of your partner's chest so you can hear his or her hear beat. Maintain as much body contact as you can. As you start to caress your partner's genitals, keep your ear or a hand on his her heart. Or keep your face up against your partner's face. Maintain this contact as you begin to have slow, gentle, focused, intercourse with your partner.

As you make love, concentrate all your mental energy towards healing or nurturing your partner psychologically. This is a lot different than worrying about whether your partner likes what you are doing. Here, you are directing all of your positive sexual energy towards making your lover feel good, rather than trying to make your lover feel good about you because you are using the "right" technique or touching in the "right" place.

If you both make love with the intention to focus your innate healing abilities on each other, this can be very powerful. You might even feel the healing energy that you have created together as an intensified current between you. This type of union is intensely fulfilling. Yet, you can have an even deeper experience of sexual communication. It's called ecstasy.


Ecstatic sex is a level of sexual experience beyond arousal, beyond the intense pleasure of orgasm and even beyond mutuality and intimacy. It comes unbidden during intercourse, and most typically, just at the point of orgasm. There is no mistaking it when it happens.

You and your partner may feel yourselves becoming so close that your merge into one, transcending the limits of your bodies. Or, you alone may feel the bliss shooting up your spine and catapulting you into a dimension of experience you can only describe as cosmic.

I have experienced it myself and it is hard to put into words.

I have found it most like those descriptions of the Buddhist state of being totally free from desire. It is a state of pleasure so intense, that while it may be accompanied by an orgasm, you really do not know whether you are having and orgasm or not. And you both turn to each other and say, "Did you feel that? What was that?"

Spiritual experiences are so highly personal, that I cannot describe a typical ecstatic moment. But here are ways my clients have described it:

"While my husband and I were having sex, I had several orgasms in a row, and then I just seemed to stay in this orgasmic state. I felt like I was there for several minutes although it could not have been more than a few seconds. My husband told me eyes glazed over. It was like being in an altered state of consciousness."

"I saw God, Buddha, and Allah." (Yes, he was being metaphorical.)

"When I got close to orgasm, I felt this white-hot light start at my tailbone and slowly move up my spine. When it got to my head, I had the orgasm. It was one of the strangest things I have ever felt. I asked my wife if she felt anything strange and she said she felt almost like both of us lifted about six inches off the bed."

Some people have said that they see intense colors or images. Others hear music. Some feel an overwhelming sense of connection with all creation. These experiences are probably due to part to the release of endorphins-besides killing pain, endorphins can cause intensely pleasurable states.

Ecstatic sex is something you cannot make happen. Every time I have experienced it, it has been unplanned. Yet, I do know that the sensate focus approach is much more likely to lead to ecstatic sex than a performance-oriented approach. This is because the state of mind that is a prerequisite for ecstatic sex demands that you be in the here and now and one hundred percent focused on your sensations.

The ecstasy associated with intense sexual experiences is the focus of a form of yoga known as tantra. Tantric yoga emphasizes reuniting the basic male and female principles in the cosmos through specific practices and postures. The sexual energy is harnessed in a way that can lead the practitioners to couple and individuals. After you have completed the exercises in Sexual Pleasure, you may wish to learn move about tantric yoga or tantric sex in order to go further in your exploration of your sexual self. Margo Anand's book, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy" The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers is a worthwhile book on this subject.

Going Forward from Here

Through the exercises in this book, you have learned to enjoy touching and being touched. You have learned to let go-to relax and enjoy your own sexual response, to savor your desire for your partner. Through peaking and plateauing exercises you have also learned to make the most of your arousal and orgasm patterns. And through it all, you have learned to communicate with your partner and become deeply intimate.

Where do you go from here?

I recommend that you continue the breathing, PC-muscle, and bonding exercises daily for the rest of your life. They will keep your senses, your body, and your passion alive and afire.

Return to the others as you need or desire. Remember that you can always count on the focusing caresses to relax you. Since you have learned peaking and plateauing, your body has been conditioned and will naturally respond in that way. This gives you infinite options on ways to make love, based on what you have come to learn about your own sexual responses and possibilities.

Sexual expression can have an overwhelmingly positive effect on your life. It frees you, enriches you, and opens up new dimensions of your humanity. I hope the sensual and sexual activities you have learned here will help you enjoy the many healthy and empowering aspects of sexuality-desire, arousal, orgasm, intimacy, and ecstasy.


Source by Dr John Anne

My extensive experiences with tantric yoga, ancient sexuality practices, and contemporary western therapeutic paradigms have exposed me to many 'tricks-of-the-trade' when it comes to coming.

In this article I'll attempt to distill some of this simple but powerful wisdom. Hopefully men seeking to learn how to last longer in bed, or even just to educate themselves sexually, can begin to use this as a roadmap for their quest. And a very worthy quest it is too, (speaking as a woman).

If there is one thing I cannot resist it is a man who is dedicated to learning more about his body and sexuality in general.

I know I speak for a lot of other women when I say that the most important quality in a lover is a commitment to improving the quality of his, and his partner's, sexual experiences.


  1. Relax and increase your body awareness

There are many techniques out there to help you relax and be more able to 'feel' your body. As a yoga practitioner, I have experience with powerful relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques that can all serve a man in his quest to last longer in bed.

Perhaps the simplest technique is just paying attention to your breathing during sex. Not controlling it, just noticing it.

Masters and Johnson also developed a technique known as "sensate focus exercises" which I use extensively in my practice as sexual surrogate therapist and 'sex coach'.

  1. Focus on pleasure in sex, rather than sexual performance.

Let go of any expectations about the outcome of sex. Going into a sexual experience with a 'plan' robs you of any ability to be open minded.

You cannot learn from sex if you are focused on how it should look.

Instead, notice the pleasure as it is happening. The pleasure will show you what is good. It is the ultimate teacher when it comes to sex.

In other words, to last longer in bed, don't think about lasting longer!

  1. Increase awareness of your sexual arousal.

Again, open your awareness to your feelings of pleasure and pay close attention to your arousal levels. Awareness is the first step to understanding; which is itself a step towards mastery.

Focus on your pleasure during sex, during masturbation, or even the subtle pleasure you experience when a gorgeous woman gets on the bus.

  1. Extend your sexual arousal to higher levels.

There are many techniques you can learn to extend your pleasure. As you become more aware of your sexual arousal a natural increase in your arousal level is inevitable.

This will happen because you will become familiar and comfortable with your pleasure, and your body will propel you to greater heights naturally, allowing you to not only enjoy the sex more, but also to last longer to boot!

Be sure to practice sex and pleasure often, so your body can keep teaching you.

  1. Master your sexual arousal consistently at higher levels.

As your sexual pleasure naturally increases with more practice, you will begin to 'play' with it.

Manipulate your breathing patterns, sexual energy field and subtle internal sensations, to the point that you can begin to feel mastery over them.

Again, ancient wisdom, sex manuals and other people's experiences are full of eye opening possibilities.

  1. Become accustomed to a steady level of intense arousal.

Get into the habit of building your sexual pleasure and indulging in it fully. Let the moments you feel pleasure expand.

Let the arousal continue as if it didn't need to end ever. It will of course, but you don't care when... just let it happen. Remember, to last longer in bed, you should not worry about lasting longer!

  1. Stop thinking

Drop your conscious mind out of the picture. Investigate or experiment with techniques to get your internal dialogue to shut up.

Experience all of this intense and joyous pleasure, not in your head, not by thinking about it... but in your body. Feel it!

THE KEY is connecting more deeply to your own sensations and feelings.

Here's a bonus tricky tip for you. It's also the most important one.

  1. Remember your own commitment to learn and grow... it all comes back to you.

By the way, if some of these tricks seem to be a bit of a tease it's because they are. Each one could be the subject of several very in depth articles or sexuality workshops. Learning how to to last longer in bed goes hand-in-hand with experiencing the true pleasure of sex.

I want you to take the time to ponder these tricks and look further. I wish you well on your adventures and I wish you very much pleasure.

Copyright 2005 Mukee Okan


Source by Mukee Okan

You slept wrong last night and your neck is stiff and sore. Maybe you have been working in the garden all weekend and your back hurts from being bent over. You are under a lot of stress from your job and can't seem to relax or sleep at night. A friend suggested you get a professional massage to help ease the pain. It sounded like a great idea, but you have never been to a massage therapist. You are a little apprehensive because you are not sure what to expect.

If you are reading this, you have taken the first (and right) step to improving your health and well-being. There are many benefits of massage. But how does it work? What really happens in a massage therapist office?

What are all these forms? I just want a massage.

In a professional massage therapist office, the first step to receiving a beneficial massage will be the filling out of some basic forms. They include a client intake form, a health history, and an informed consent form.

  • The Client Intake Form- This form will tell your massage therapist some key information about you. It will let the therapist know what areas of concern you have (ie: back pain, stiff neck, leg pain, etc.). If you are under a doctors care for anything that may be important to the outcome of the massage. It also informs the therapist if you have ever had a professional massage.
  • The Health History Form- Why do I have to fill out a health history form? It is very important for you, and the massage therapist, that this form be filled out completely. It informs the therapist of any medical condition that may dictate the use of a certain massage technique, or a technique that may be contraindicated (should not be used).
  • The Informed Consent- This form is more of a legal form than anything else. It is for your protection as well as the therapist. It gives the therapist written permission to perform a massage.

  • Okay, I filled out the forms, what's next?

    Your therapist will take you to the massage treatment room. Before the massage begins the two of you will discuss your concerns and health history in a little interview. This interview usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. This is when you and your therapist will start to get to know each other. You will discuss your expectations of the massage. Your health history, if there is information that will determine the massage techniques used during the massage. This is a good time to ask your therapist questions. After the interview, the massage therapist will leave the room so you can get undressed.

    Undressed? Do I have to take all my clothes off?

    Massage is best received fully unclothed. But you may undress to the level of your comfort. What does that mean? If you are not comfortable with removing all your clothes, you may leave some or all of them on. The therapist will adjust the massage to what you leave on. Keep in mind that it will limit the therapist to what techniques may or may not be used. It can effect the over-all outcome of your massage.

    But He'll See Me Naked If I Remove All My Clothes!

    NO, he won't. A professional massage therapist is bound by standards of practices and codes of ethics to provide draping for you, the client. What do you mean draping? Draping is a technique that uses the sheets on the table to keep all private areas of your body covered at all times. There are techniques used during the draping process that ensures you are not exposed at any time. This is accomplished with a bed/table sheet, pillow case, and/or towels.

    How Does Draping Work?

    The massage table you will be receiving treatment on, has a full set of bed sheets on it. A bottom sheet you will lay on, and a top sheet you will use to cover yourself with. When the therapist leaves the room, you will undress. You will then get on the massage table between the sheets. Your therapist will give you time to do this. He or she will knock on the door, awaiting your authorization to enter. When you are ready, the therapist will enter the room.

    After the therapist re-enters the treatment room, you will receive pillows or bolsters to provide comfort while you are on the table. The therapist will adjust the face cradle and check with you for anything else you may need at this time.

    During the massage, your therapist will lift back the top sheet exposing only the area he or she is working on. What does that mean? If the therapist is working on your back, the sheet will be pulled down exposing your back for treatment. When the treatment is complete, your back will be re-covered. Your therapist will move on to a new area of your body. That area will be uncovered (ie: gluts, leg, arm), receive bodywork and then recovered. This will continue in this fashion throughout the massage.

    How Do I Turn Over To Have The Other Side Of My Body Massaged

    Your therapist will help you turn over on the massage table. The technique for this is simple. Using his legs, the therapist will "pin" one side of the top sheet to the edge of the massage table. Then reaching over your body, he will hold the other side of the sheet. Lifting the sheet slightly to form a "tent." This provides room for you to roll over, all the while without being exposed.

    I'm A Female And Want My Stomach Massaged. How Will This Be Done Without Exposing My Breasts?

    This is where the therapist uses the extra towels or pillow cases. The pillow case will be placed over your breasts, on top of the sheet that is covering you. The sheet will then be slid out from underneath the pillow case. The pillow case remains in place, covering your breasts. The sheet is pulled further down to expose your stomach for treatment. After the bodywork is complete, the sheet is returned to it's original position. This time it will be placed on top of the pillow case. The pillow case will be removed from under the sheet.

    I Still Don't Understand Why I Have To Undress Completely

    Your body and the muscles that control all of your body's movement are a complex system. Do you remember that old song about your bones? "My toe bone's connected to my foot bone. My foot bone's connected to my leg bone. My leg bone's connected to my thigh bone." If you remember this song, it is probably playing through your head now. Massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues (such as muscles) of your body. You can replace the word "bone" in that old song with muscle. Although it is a little more complex than that song, you can get a little mental picture of how your muscle structure is connected throughout your body.

    I'm going to use low back pain (the most common complaint) for an example as to why massage is best received fully unclothed. Most of your back muscles are connected to the top edge of your pelvic girdle. Your gluteal muscles are also connected to the top edge of your pelvic girdle. While your back muscles extend from the pelvic girdle upwards, your gluteal muscles extend from pelvic girdle downwards. If your "gluts" are tight, they are pulling on the top of your pelvic girdle. This in turn, is pulling on your low back muscles. You are feeling the pain in your low back. It is not the "cause" of your pain, it's the result.

    To relieve low back pain, a massage therapist may have to work on your gluteal muscles. While this can be accomplished with clothing on, it limits the techniques the therapist can use. It is not as thorough and will take longer (more visits to the therapist) to achieve the desired results. If your clothing is completely removed, your therapist can use a variety of techniques. Achieving more positive results in a shorter time.

    Communicate With Your Therapist

    All aspects of massage therapy requires communication between the therapist and the client. Draping is a big concern for most clients. Do not be afraid to talk with your therapist about draping techniques. Your comfort and understanding is a top priority of your therapist.


    Source by Daniel Brownell

    A man has been lying to his wife. For months he has been secretly going out at night to exotic dance clubs, hobnobbing with strippers, and getting lap dances (which he chooses to believe are "innocent" and "harmless"). He has been enjoying his own secret little world that brings him a sense of sensual arousal and illicit overall body pleasure. He tells himself he is "not cheating." Inevitably however, after some indefinite amount of time, his wife discovers what he has been doing. To his surprise, dismay and disappointment, his spouse is not so receptive or accepting. She is enraged, furious, hurt, devastated and maybe even feeling and behaving out of control. He may be at risk of losing everything - his marriage, his home, and his family.

    At this point, the man often feels, "I've got to find a way to turn this around. I am attracted to my wife. I love her dearly. She's beautiful. She's been good to me. She takes good care of our children. I don't want a divorce. I want to find a way to make it up to her. I thought I was being real 'cool' going to these clubs. I realize now how immature I was."

    Then, the question arises: Why have you been going to see strippers? Why are you paying for lap dances when you have a beautiful wife at home, who you say you love?

    The answer, if the man is being honest, sometimes goes like this. "I'm attracted to my wife, but she expects me to "perform" for her or she expects me to always initiate sex. She thinks I don't desire her because I have not been so interested in being intimate with her lately. Truth is, I'm sometimes afraid of her. She expects me to always be ready and to satisfy her. Lately, she gets angry if I fall short of her expectations - especially since she knows I have received gratification from some of these other women."

    So what is it about strip clubs, strippers and lap dances that causes some men to eagerly return for more while neglecting his readily available wife who he claims to love?

    A typical male response might be: "At the dance clubs, I can relax, be myself, have a few drinks, listen to music and watch some beautiful bodies moving slowly, seducing me into a state of arousal. I might invite one of these beautiful young ladies to my table. She might smile at me, perhaps touching my arm, or whispering something seductive into my ear. She might call me honey or baby, offering to make me feel good if I want to dance with her."

    At home, when it comes to sexual desire, some men will say, "I often feel like a frightened child about to be scolded by his angry mother." They might share that at the club they have sometimes overheard other men say: "I have to go home and do my old lady," as if it is some chore or drudgery to get through, instead of the pleasurable experience that true intimacy can be.

    What do strippers and exotic dancers do that men are craving but not receiving at home?

    First, the man is totally receiving. There is nothing he has to do but be there. The woman does all the flirting and seducing. She moves her body seductively. She may gradually remove some of her clothing. She may arch her back and stick her butt out, "an acceptance position" known to trigger sexual arousal in male mammals. Some strippers will not touch the guys at all, but will come very close to touching the men's faces with her breasts, her crotch, her butt, etc. However, most strippers will touch and do allow touching, even if they are technically not supposed to. It is all about what will make them the most money. Then there are the special "Champagne rooms." For a very high hourly fee, a man can spend some time in a very private room with the woman of his choice. Here, she may offer additional sexual favors that she claims to only provide for "special" customers.

    Second, the exotic dancer's goal is to stimulate the man, tease him, act as if he is a master at arousing her, and to continually promise him greater and greater pleasure. She makes no demands, appears to have no expectations of him, and gives him no arguments. But there is also no real back and forth communication (except allowing him to voice his unhappiness and frustrations with his life, his marriage or whatever) and there is no love. Sometimes a man begins to feel "love" for an exotic dancer, but what he love is only the image she is presenting and the way she is pleasing him. He most probably doesn't have a clue about who she really is.

    The truth about exotic dancers is this. The girl is there to: support a habit, support her family, earn some money for a specific goal, or as a quick fix for an uneducated, unskilled woman to earn a hefty sum of money. This is a recession proof business - and it is a business, big business. Men have needs, and when times get tough, these needs are often exacerbated. Some men will seek a way to escape and feel good, even if only for a few hours.

    Behind their smiles, erotic movements, and seductive words, many of these women actually feel disgust for the men. They don't like the way these men "get off" on total strangers. They despise the men for "cheating" on their spouses and significant others.

    And their only goal is to get as much money as they possibly can by keeping each man aroused and coming back for more.

    The man who frequents strip clubs is getting his own narcissistic needs met for attention, arousal, stimulation and praise. He is actually depriving himself of the opportunity for true intimacy, closeness, communication and unraveling of his deepest childhood fears and insecurities. His wife suffers from that same lack of intimacy.

    The solution is for each partner to take responsibility for the demise of their intimacy, to take the bull by the horn, to dig in their heels, to get the sexual counseling they can both benefit from, and to literally start their sexual relationship all over again. Literally, beginning all over, they ought to shake hands and say, "Hi. My name is.... I can offer you something wonderful, make you feel better than you have ever felt before, if you will only spend the time to get to know me...."


    Source by Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.

    Women, you know what happens when you confide your troubles to your girlfriend. She drops everything and listens. She understands exactly what you're going through, tells you your feelings are completely natural, and you end up having a good laugh. In other words, you get empathy, big time. It's wonderful! You feel so much better! You might even wonder what the big deal was in the first place.

    When you confide in your husband, you can also predict will happen: He'll tell you how to fix your problem. If you're one of the many women who, like me, are married to engineers, you can bet on it. This is not wonderful at all. You feel so let down. You're sorry you brought it up. You both wind up massively frustrated. Since so many of us deal with this problem, I thought I'd give you some ideas for how to get the empathy you want from your engineer.

    Let's start by trying to see what's going on inside each of you. You probably feel like he doesn't care about you. And he's not giving you what you need on purpose. It's strange, isn't it? When it comes to ourselves, we know we have habits that drive other people crazy, and that we blunder and hurt people's feelings when we don't mean to. But when others hurt us, it feels like they are in complete control and hurting us deliberately.

    The moment when you need empathy is very fragile. It's an emotional turning point. You'll either feel a lot better or a lot worse very fast. If you feel in need, reach out, and then get THE LOOK, it really stings.

    All partners of engineers know what I'm talking about. It's that blank or frozen look that makes you feel he regards you as an inanimate object toward which he could not be more indifferent. The first time I saw my husband get THE LOOK we were in his car. I brought up something I was upset about and he stared out the windshield as though transfixed. I tried to figure out what was going on. Was he studying a traffic jam only visible to him? Did he suddenly develop an interest in bird watching?

    Of course, I can't say for sure what's going on in your partner's head. But from what I've learned from my husband, he's probably not indifferent, he's drowning. In feelings. Yes, feelings. Intense feelings. His fight or flight response is flooding him with stress hormones. It's paralyzing his thoughts. It's hard for him to describe how he feels, especially since he figures he has a good chance of saying the wrong thing and making you more upset.

    Another possibility is that he's steeling himself against feeling flooded because he's been there before and doesn't want to go back. That will definitely produce THE LOOK. If emotional conversations are your natural element, it's hard to imagine how stuck he can feel.

    At this point, it's looking like a rough weekend ahead.

    Where does this flooding come from? Ironically, it may come partly from his desire to be a good husband. He feels responsible for making you happy. Note the word responsible. Responsibility and engineers go together like software and bugs, and the thing they feel most responsible for is their families. He very likely feels unsuccessful as a husband if you're unhappy.

    Secondly, he feels useful when he's solving problems and move things forward. When his friends bring up problems, that's what they expect. You need him to meet you right where you are in order for your feelings to unfold and resolve. But this 'stand still to move forward' paradox goes against the grain for him. In fact, sometimes THE LOOK means he's trying to think of an answer for you, so he can feel useful.

    Thirdly, he's an optimist. Talking about negative feelings feels, well, negative. Optimism follows naturally from being a problem-solver. His training has taught him a) There's usually a solution, and b) There are many different ways to solve any given problem. By the way, this is one reason I enjoy working with engineers in general. When my client comes with an open mind and the belief things can get better, half my job is done. Plus, it's fun to work with smart people. But enough about me.

    With these possibilities in mind, it might be easier for you to imagine how "Just listen," or "Don't give me advice," makes him feel blocked. He feels like you're saying you don't need him.

    Instead, show him you do need him and how his empathy helps you:

    "Remember when I got that awful performance review? You really understood how bad I felt. You made me feel like I wasn't crazy. It helped me relax and calm down. Then I could start to think of a game plan. And once I feel understood, sometimes I do want to hear your ideas."

    It's true we often want concrete advice-AFTER we get that double shot of empathy.

    And don't forget to tell him that with empathy, you get back to normal much more quickly, so you can enjoy your precious free time together. Now your weekend is looking up! Of course, now you have another problem: 3-D or romantic comedy? When I get that one figured out, I'll let you know.


    Source by Claire Hatch

    Some years ago I was faced with some very challenging financial situations. The extent of my challenge was such that I was incapacitated with stress. For those of you in this state you will know what I mean. I had the constant tightening of the stomach that very frequently turned to churning in response to many simple events that occurred in my day to day life. This was exasperated by my inability to breathe properly which in turn made me feel worse and resulted in me experiencing hot sweats.

    Sleeping became a literal nightmare. What little sleep I did managed to get was laden with dreams brought on by the feeling of impending doom. Of course, little and disturbed sleep causes tiredness during the day and resulted in my under performing in any thing I tried to do. Sometimes I was so low I thought it is all not worth the effort. As things got worse, and compounded, I began to physically shake at times and my body felt like it had become weighted down.

    At this point things got even worse when my relationship with my girlfriend was badly affected by all the stress and we agreed to part. I took on all the debts and I began to think everything was really too much. I thought I was in so deep that I would never be able to get out of it both financially and emotionally.

    Then I had a lucky break. Someone introduced me to the world of self improvement. Before all of this I always deemed myself as more of a positive thinker than a negative one, so I took to the self improvement ideas pretty quickly. I sought out different materials on the subjects and read in the order that I felt would be most beneficial to me. Below are the four major things I needed to learn to overcome my stress and start getting things done.

    The first thing I had to learn was to live life in day tight compartments. In short, the only thing that matters at any point in time is NOW. There is no point worrying about what has happened in the past. It is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no point in worrying about the future, it is not here yet and I realised that 80% of the things in the future we worry about never comes to pass. So the lesson to learn is live life now and cut out the worrying about the past and the future.

    The second thing I learned was to look at the worst possible situation. My worst possible situation was that I go bankrupt. I used to look at this as being a terrible thing but I realised that even if I did go bankrupt I would still survive, eat, drink and have a roof over my head in one way or another. I would still have my mind which can be used to create things in the future. So it was important for me to realise that the worst possible situation was not that bad really.

    The third thing I learned was that I had to gain control of my own thinking. I realised that I was constantly talking to myself in a negative fashion and I needed to get a grip on my thinking in order to improve my situation. I realised that my negative thinking was giving me instructions to fail and it was my responsibility to change this. I started to monitor exactly what I was thinking and when I caught myself thinking negatively I was pre prepared to substitute this thinking with positive thoughts. I learned that the thoughts that I gave out actually seemed to attract corresponding situations. By thinking positively it seemed to automatically attract positive things into my life.

    The fourth thing I learned was that I had to work out a step by step plan to get to where I wanted to be. This requires identifying a challenging goal and putting in place each step that is required to achieve that goal. By doing this you are constantly putting your efforts in the right place at all times. The most important thing here is to set a meaningful goal that is set in stone, whilst always remembering that plans never go according to plan. Therefore, you must be constantly monitoring your plan.

    The above four realisations have meant that I was able to turn around my situation very quickly. I was very receptive to learning as my situation at the time felt terrible and I was sick and tired of being in my position. So it was imperative to become receptive to new ideas and knowledge as this will affect the pace at which you learn. Within days I was able to completely remove the stomach churning, the hot sweats, the restless sleep and the tiredness by applying the points made above. After training my mind to think correctly, I was able to sit down calmly and apply my energies to a step by step plan in a direction I believed would gradually pull myself out of my challenging situations.

    I know it works from experience. I have been there and conquered it. I know that anyone who really wants to achieve anything must apply the principles outlined above. So if you want to get out of the rut you will have to become receptive to learning, start to control your mind in terms of worry, and of your thinking, and put in place a plan of action designed to get you where you want to be. Most importantly, I know you can do it if you want to.


    Source by Neville Park

    It depends on how you want to portray yourself.

    Because the situation you are describing is 1) informal
    2) you are being invited to a party
    3) you are talking to a co-worker, even though it's your boss
    4) assuming you are on good terms with your boss


    I'm in

    is appropriate, of course adding "thank you" is courteous

    Thanks for the invite, I'm in!

    would convey a certain excitement of looking forward to going to the party. If you are too formal you may come across as being aloof or distant.

    Here at the High Status Male we like to kick around ideas that we hope can make us more attractive to women. Women are of course the great and universal Mystery... Their frivolous behaviors have vexed men throughout the Ages -- driving them to commit acts of war, suicide and even murder.

    And that was when they weren't otherwise making us insanely lustful, or just plain insane!

    A recurring idea in both my books is that men shouldn't have to obsess too much about their looks as much as their behavior around women, since THIS is what the girls grade us on in the same way that guys scope out their physical charms to decide who's hot or not. Yeah, we all know that we're supposed to act confident around women to project the vibe that we've made it far enough up the pecking order that women should take note. But what does this actually MEAN in terms of the types of behaviors and attitudes that we need to adopt for ourselves?

    Here are 7 important signaling behaviors that you should learn how to manage. See if any of them need to be adjusted in your own personal male display:

    1. Stop Pre-editing Away Your Every Possible Opening Words to a Woman. Or maybe I should say stop totally pre-REJECTING them because, man, that's what I used to do to myself big time! In normal everyday conversations I was fine and friendly and even funny -- but get me near some hot chick and it was clam-up time. I remember standing around helplessly in a club right next to a great looking girl wondering what I should "open" with (and this was before I understood what that even meant!... )

    I would stand there locked in mental concrete, my mind racing through various different sentences thinking: "that's sucks... are you kidding me?!... if I say THAT it will make me sound like a complete loser!... " And then of course there was my personal favorite excuse: "... and so THEN what will you say to her?"

    This last one was a real iron curtain for me -- I was essentially putting enormous pressure on myself to have some sort of well thought-out conversational script all memorized to a tee and ready to go in my head. In fact I never actually sat down and wrote out such a script for myself (a mistake), so in addition to having the perfect opening thing to say I was also required to create this script ON THE FLY!

    You know how we like to talk about the idea of self-hatred? Well gentlemen, I present to you Exhibit A!

    Notice how best to punish the "hated one"?... by setting the bar for an acceptable performance so high that it becomes impossible to achieve? This did the trick by seeding a big lump of fear in my mind that would cause me to lock up and never even make an attempt to speak up.

    Remember, the High Status Male is King, Boss and Conqueror... he NEVER believes that his words are unimportant or boring (even if they are), and so he speaks freely! And YOU will listen. To be self-conscious about your words is a loud LSM (low status male) signal that the women will pick up on right away, so talk.

    See how these deadly self-defeating cycles can come to control you?

    2. Start Making Eye Contact With Women. And I mean the GOOD kind where you look away about 20% of the time so as not to slip into a 'psycho leer'. I talk about this extensively throughout my books and audios so I won't get into the whole thing here, but suffice to say that a shifty-eyed presentation of yourself is always a bad deal. People are made uncomfortable in the presence of someone who won't look them in the eye. They begin to wonder why you seem to be acting ashamed or guilty. What are you hiding? To varying degrees women will especially get creeped out by this A+ connection killer.

    Poor eye contact creates a vibe that's just the opposite of charismatic -- which is the ability to make people feel good about themselves. Shifty eye contact is anti-charismatic because it forces people to identify with your discomfort instead, and they don't like that! They don't want to hang around with people who give them 'bad vibes' -- for whatever reason -- and would just as soon avoid you altogether.

    So if you've ever scratched your head wondering why you're not getting many callbacks or why she won't answer your post-first-date-callback, this could be a big reason why. In your nervousness you revert to a turtled-up body language that included an evening-long inability to make eye contact with her, and she was totally put off by this loud signal of male subservience (or disinterest).

    As a mechanical quick-fix, you can always practice the tried-and-true "salesman's trick" whereby you stare at the bridge of someone's nose if you can't stand to meet their eye. Most people cannot tell the difference. Ultimately though you should seek to raise your confidence around people, and your eye contact will then become more natural and genuine.

    It's okay to use tricks such as these to kick-start your recovery, but you should always be working towards the day when you will no longer have to rely on such trickery to get you through a conversation.

    3. Initiate a Handshake. We all know that a high status male is attractive to women, but what you may not realize is that your status is determined by your day-to-day interactions with other MEN.

    Men constantly push, prod, connive, outwork or seek to outsmart their fellow man in the workplace, culture, battlefield, household or any of a thousand other venues in which they interact. There is always a competition going on to see who's just a bit more powerful than who. This game never ends, and much of it goes on subconsciously and almost invisibly. In many situations basic relationships are already clearly pre-established: Joe is the boss and Ron the employee, Jim the dad and mark the son, or Bill is the Sergeant and Ed the Private. Whatever... but it's clear cut.

    However, many daily encounters between men who pretty much seem as if they could be on a same level are not as clearly defined, and so a signal is required to establish who is who. Who is the alpha and who agrees to be the subjugated?

    This phenomenon can be played to your advantage if you are aware enough to make a point of establishing yourself as a man to be respected in any casual encounter. One of the simple ways that you can do this is to be the guy to offer to shake hands first (when appropriate of course, such as in a business situation or at a party). Why is this important? Because the higher status male conveys a sense of safety to a lower status male by touching him first -- but doing it the other way around can be viewed as a challenge.

    Think again about the clearly pre-established relationship: the boss can reach out and put his arm around the employee to convey a message of "good job" or "you're in my favor". But reverse this and see what happens: an employee touching the boss unprompted would be seen as disrespectful and perhaps even a challenge to his authority. It says, "what are you going to do about it?"

    So by expressing a desire to shake hands first it can seem as is you are seeking to touch the other guy from a position of strength. This can be very subtle and probably makes little more than a subliminal impact, but those are usually the best kind!

    When you get into the habit of being 'touch aggressive' on a regular basis you will begin to establish a bit more respect for yourself. There will be some push-back from time to time as men continue to jockey against each other for just that shade more status than the other guy (I'm stronger, more intelligent, more courageous, wealthier, etc.). But at least now you're playing the game instead of being quickly dispatched off the board by guys who size-up your reluctance to "go first" as an automatic win for themselves.

    4. Speak up. In the same vein as the previous point about handshakes your verbal thrust (or lack thereof) makes a statement about you as well. The loudest mouth in a group of men is often the alpha. In one-on-one conversations, alpha usually carries the conversation in some way -- from being the more informed or interesting party, to actually giving direct commands in some cases, while the "beta" shuts up and listens!

    Another thing the beta male often does to cement his lower status is attempt to sanitize or otherwise try to frame what he's saying so as not to provoke alpha. For instance, in that employee-boss situation, the employee may try to break some bad news to the boss softly or in a hedged fashion so as to minimize his displeasure (and possible wrath!).

    Whereas the boss simply states his mind with no regard as to how his words may make his subordinate "feel". (i.e., "You're fired Johnson!")

    In neutral encounters where there is no pre-established pecking order, the one who ISN'T afraid to speak up first is usually given a higher status grade by most women who would casually observe such an encounter.

    So even if it means stating the obvious, just do it. Because the actual content of what you're saying conveys less critical information than the silent signal delivered by just who is talking to whom. Get it?

    Again, subliminal. But that's why they call it making an impression. And these impressions will stack-up in your favor with repeated expression.

    5. Drop Dead and Smile. Now we're back to your interactions with women. Nervousness and fidgety jumpiness conveys a signal of having little personal confidence. Also when we're nervous we rarely smile but instead wear a mask of concern that can look angry. This generally doesn't make a great first impression on women, unless you know how to pull off the strong, brooding, silent type of vibe (although if you could I doubt you would be reading this now!)

    A better way to go is to smile and make great eye contact and generally just MODEL the sort of reaction that you want reflected back at you. Again, imagine the man of considerable status and power: master of his universe, he is calm and collected as he moves through life. No nervous fidgeting that might reveal an underlying insecurity about... what? His social skills, his bank account, his fading virility? Ha!... not a chance!

    And yet that's what YOUR nervousness can convey about you if you're not careful.

    Still nervous anyway? It's okay so long as it doesn't show itself too much visibly. Again, you can use this little mechanical trick to help yourself out: just hold a thumb pinched between your two fingers on the same hand and squeeze as tightly as you have to. This gives your nervous system a focal point in the body to quietly discharge itself -- allowing the rest of your muscles to relax and stop quivering. To "drop dead".

    This allows you to project a vibe of calmness that makes that awesome subliminal High Status impression on women which can go very far towards getting you some return interest from them!

    6. Become Comfortable With Silence. This is just the opposite of Point #1... i.e., overthinking everything that you want to say, rejecting it all and then saying nothing at all!

    Some guys can't tolerate any lull in a conversation with a girl and will seek to keep up a constant stream of nervous chatter because, well, they're nervous. But just consider for a moment a romantic scene from a typical movie: isn't it during those moments of silence when the words run out that all the truly important communication begins... spoken with long, penetrating looks and perhaps the first stages of physical contact?

    These pivotal moments of emotional / romantic connection will never occur however if you continue to prattle over every potential close moment like Woody Allen on speed! This blab serves no purpose other than to keep your own anxieties at bay, so stop it!

    Remember, one of the principle skills of the seducer is to seize upon moments of conversational lull and use them to move beyond words... to begin guiding a woman towards an eventual physical connection. This is a skill you want to work on for yourself beginning today. So the next time you find yourself blabbing away to cover up an uncomfortable silence, try sending her a silent signal of appreciation with your eyes instead.

    Remember, YOU may be uncomfortable with silence, but women are drawn into it. Learn to exploit this phenomenon.

    7. Change Something About Yourself to Improve Your Edge and Get Noticed. LSM's tend to become socially invisible after a while and will silently fade away into the background. You need to do something different to start lighting-up on her radar screen!

    No need to undergo any sort of colossal surgical makeover either -- improving just ONE small but significant thing about yourself can be enough to break everyone's old, cemented image of you and force them to begin reconsidering who you are. Grow your hair long, or shave it off. Get a tat (or a new one that's cooler). Try showing up in nice khaki's instead of the usual dirty jeans -- or if you're a button-down suit-and-tie guy then try loosening up your look a little. This kind of thing acts as a shock to the system (both to the people around you AND to yourself) and might finally start getting you noticed, maybe for the first time ever! Simple but effective.

    Well there's 7 ideas to get you started down the path to some potentially exciting personal change. Notice what I didn't tell you to do though... I didn't tell you to go out and get an expensive new wardrobe or to get rich somehow and buy yourself a flashy new car and some kickin' bling. The typical things you might think would be necessary to raise a guys' status so that women begin noticing him. These can be your long range goals to change and improve your life, but you must crawl before you can walk and it's easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged if you try to tackle the task of massive personal change head-on from several directions at once. Most of us probably wouldn't even know where to begin!

    So your first step will be to assume some of the behaviors of the HSM (even is simulation) and use the improved reactions from women as a basis to build your confidence up, and then just continue moving forward from there. Remember, the goal is to raise the appearance of your male status for the purpose of getting your foot in the door romantically... getting a momentary flash of interest from a chick that you can then seize upon and begin to build off of. One step at a time, right?

    ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: This non-verbal signal of male attractiveness sets the table in such a way to make it possible for you to avoid being rejected as much as possible. Otherwise you are constantly trying to fly in the face of a hurricane of female disinterest, and it won't be long before your fledgling confidence is shattered completely. You must avoid this.

    None of these seven things require any huge investment of money either. What they mostly require is an awareness of yourself -- how you act around others and the effect that it has on them. By adopting this sort of "fake it before you make it" idea of self-improvement you can begin to bootstrap yourself up out of your current behavioral rut and start to create little social breakthroughs for yourself here and there. These successes are crucial though because they provide bits of inspiration to keep you motivated and moving forward, always improving... getting smarter with each failure and more confident with each success!

    Before you know it, you'll be looking back 1, 2 or ten years later only to realize that the entire trajectory of your life has changed enormously for the better as a result of these simple beginning efforts.


    Source by Mike Pilinski

    My extensive experiences with tantric yoga, ancient sexuality practices, and contemporary western therapeutic paradigms have exposed me to many 'tricks-of-the-trade' when it comes to coming.

    In this article I'll attempt to distill some of this simple but powerful wisdom. Hopefully men seeking to learn how to last longer in bed, or even just to educate themselves sexually, can begin to use this as a roadmap for their quest. And a very worthy quest it is too, (speaking as a woman).

    If there is one thing I cannot resist it is a man who is dedicated to learning more about his body and sexuality in general.

    I know I speak for a lot of other women when I say that the most important quality in a lover is a commitment to improving the quality of his, and his partner's, sexual experiences.


    1. Relax and increase your body awareness

    There are many techniques out there to help you relax and be more able to 'feel' your body. As a yoga practitioner, I have experience with powerful relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques that can all serve a man in his quest to last longer in bed.

    Perhaps the simplest technique is just paying attention to your breathing during sex. Not controlling it, just noticing it.

    Masters and Johnson also developed a technique known as "sensate focus exercises" which I use extensively in my practice as sexual surrogate therapist and 'sex coach'.

    1. Focus on pleasure in sex, rather than sexual performance.

    Let go of any expectations about the outcome of sex. Going into a sexual experience with a 'plan' robs you of any ability to be open minded.

    You cannot learn from sex if you are focused on how it should look.

    Instead, notice the pleasure as it is happening. The pleasure will show you what is good. It is the ultimate teacher when it comes to sex.

    In other words, to last longer in bed, don't think about lasting longer!

    1. Increase awareness of your sexual arousal.

    Again, open your awareness to your feelings of pleasure and pay close attention to your arousal levels. Awareness is the first step to understanding; which is itself a step towards mastery.

    Focus on your pleasure during sex, during masturbation, or even the subtle pleasure you experience when a gorgeous woman gets on the bus.

    1. Extend your sexual arousal to higher levels.

    There are many techniques you can learn to extend your pleasure. As you become more aware of your sexual arousal a natural increase in your arousal level is inevitable.

    This will happen because you will become familiar and comfortable with your pleasure, and your body will propel you to greater heights naturally, allowing you to not only enjoy the sex more, but also to last longer to boot!

    Be sure to practice sex and pleasure often, so your body can keep teaching you.

    1. Master your sexual arousal consistently at higher levels.

    As your sexual pleasure naturally increases with more practice, you will begin to 'play' with it.

    Manipulate your breathing patterns, sexual energy field and subtle internal sensations, to the point that you can begin to feel mastery over them.

    Again, ancient wisdom, sex manuals and other people's experiences are full of eye opening possibilities.

    1. Become accustomed to a steady level of intense arousal.

    Get into the habit of building your sexual pleasure and indulging in it fully. Let the moments you feel pleasure expand.

    Let the arousal continue as if it didn't need to end ever. It will of course, but you don't care when... just let it happen. Remember, to last longer in bed, you should not worry about lasting longer!

    1. Stop thinking

    Drop your conscious mind out of the picture. Investigate or experiment with techniques to get your internal dialogue to shut up.

    Experience all of this intense and joyous pleasure, not in your head, not by thinking about it... but in your body. Feel it!

    THE KEY is connecting more deeply to your own sensations and feelings.

    Here's a bonus tricky tip for you. It's also the most important one.

    1. Remember your own commitment to learn and grow... it all comes back to you.

    By the way, if some of these tricks seem to be a bit of a tease it's because they are. Each one could be the subject of several very in depth articles or sexuality workshops. Learning how to to last longer in bed goes hand-in-hand with experiencing the true pleasure of sex.

    I want you to take the time to ponder these tricks and look further. I wish you well on your adventures and I wish you very much pleasure.

    Copyright 2005 Mukee Okan


    Source by Mukee Okan

    Here at the High Status Male we like to kick around ideas that we hope can make us more attractive to women. Women are of course the great and universal Mystery... Their frivolous behaviors have vexed men throughout the Ages -- driving them to commit acts of war, suicide and even murder.

    And that was when they weren't otherwise making us insanely lustful, or just plain insane!

    A recurring idea in both my books is that men shouldn't have to obsess too much about their looks as much as their behavior around women, since THIS is what the girls grade us on in the same way that guys scope out their physical charms to decide who's hot or not. Yeah, we all know that we're supposed to act confident around women to project the vibe that we've made it far enough up the pecking order that women should take note. But what does this actually MEAN in terms of the types of behaviors and attitudes that we need to adopt for ourselves?

    Here are 7 important signaling behaviors that you should learn how to manage. See if any of them need to be adjusted in your own personal male display:

    1. Stop Pre-editing Away Your Every Possible Opening Words to a Woman. Or maybe I should say stop totally pre-REJECTING them because, man, that's what I used to do to myself big time! In normal everyday conversations I was fine and friendly and even funny -- but get me near some hot chick and it was clam-up time. I remember standing around helplessly in a club right next to a great looking girl wondering what I should "open" with (and this was before I understood what that even meant!... )

    I would stand there locked in mental concrete, my mind racing through various different sentences thinking: "that's sucks... are you kidding me?!... if I say THAT it will make me sound like a complete loser!... " And then of course there was my personal favorite excuse: "... and so THEN what will you say to her?"

    This last one was a real iron curtain for me -- I was essentially putting enormous pressure on myself to have some sort of well thought-out conversational script all memorized to a tee and ready to go in my head. In fact I never actually sat down and wrote out such a script for myself (a mistake), so in addition to having the perfect opening thing to say I was also required to create this script ON THE FLY!

    You know how we like to talk about the idea of self-hatred? Well gentlemen, I present to you Exhibit A!

    Notice how best to punish the "hated one"?... by setting the bar for an acceptable performance so high that it becomes impossible to achieve? This did the trick by seeding a big lump of fear in my mind that would cause me to lock up and never even make an attempt to speak up.

    Remember, the High Status Male is King, Boss and Conqueror... he NEVER believes that his words are unimportant or boring (even if they are), and so he speaks freely! And YOU will listen. To be self-conscious about your words is a loud LSM (low status male) signal that the women will pick up on right away, so talk.

    See how these deadly self-defeating cycles can come to control you?

    2. Start Making Eye Contact With Women. And I mean the GOOD kind where you look away about 20% of the time so as not to slip into a 'psycho leer'. I talk about this extensively throughout my books and audios so I won't get into the whole thing here, but suffice to say that a shifty-eyed presentation of yourself is always a bad deal. People are made uncomfortable in the presence of someone who won't look them in the eye. They begin to wonder why you seem to be acting ashamed or guilty. What are you hiding? To varying degrees women will especially get creeped out by this A+ connection killer.

    Poor eye contact creates a vibe that's just the opposite of charismatic -- which is the ability to make people feel good about themselves. Shifty eye contact is anti-charismatic because it forces people to identify with your discomfort instead, and they don't like that! They don't want to hang around with people who give them 'bad vibes' -- for whatever reason -- and would just as soon avoid you altogether.

    So if you've ever scratched your head wondering why you're not getting many callbacks or why she won't answer your post-first-date-callback, this could be a big reason why. In your nervousness you revert to a turtled-up body language that included an evening-long inability to make eye contact with her, and she was totally put off by this loud signal of male subservience (or disinterest).

    As a mechanical quick-fix, you can always practice the tried-and-true "salesman's trick" whereby you stare at the bridge of someone's nose if you can't stand to meet their eye. Most people cannot tell the difference. Ultimately though you should seek to raise your confidence around people, and your eye contact will then become more natural and genuine.

    It's okay to use tricks such as these to kick-start your recovery, but you should always be working towards the day when you will no longer have to rely on such trickery to get you through a conversation.

    3. Initiate a Handshake. We all know that a high status male is attractive to women, but what you may not realize is that your status is determined by your day-to-day interactions with other MEN.

    Men constantly push, prod, connive, outwork or seek to outsmart their fellow man in the workplace, culture, battlefield, household or any of a thousand other venues in which they interact. There is always a competition going on to see who's just a bit more powerful than who. This game never ends, and much of it goes on subconsciously and almost invisibly. In many situations basic relationships are already clearly pre-established: Joe is the boss and Ron the employee, Jim the dad and mark the son, or Bill is the Sergeant and Ed the Private. Whatever... but it's clear cut.

    However, many daily encounters between men who pretty much seem as if they could be on a same level are not as clearly defined, and so a signal is required to establish who is who. Who is the alpha and who agrees to be the subjugated?

    This phenomenon can be played to your advantage if you are aware enough to make a point of establishing yourself as a man to be respected in any casual encounter. One of the simple ways that you can do this is to be the guy to offer to shake hands first (when appropriate of course, such as in a business situation or at a party). Why is this important? Because the higher status male conveys a sense of safety to a lower status male by touching him first -- but doing it the other way around can be viewed as a challenge.

    Think again about the clearly pre-established relationship: the boss can reach out and put his arm around the employee to convey a message of "good job" or "you're in my favor". But reverse this and see what happens: an employee touching the boss unprompted would be seen as disrespectful and perhaps even a challenge to his authority. It says, "what are you going to do about it?"

    So by expressing a desire to shake hands first it can seem as is you are seeking to touch the other guy from a position of strength. This can be very subtle and probably makes little more than a subliminal impact, but those are usually the best kind!

    When you get into the habit of being 'touch aggressive' on a regular basis you will begin to establish a bit more respect for yourself. There will be some push-back from time to time as men continue to jockey against each other for just that shade more status than the other guy (I'm stronger, more intelligent, more courageous, wealthier, etc.). But at least now you're playing the game instead of being quickly dispatched off the board by guys who size-up your reluctance to "go first" as an automatic win for themselves.

    4. Speak up. In the same vein as the previous point about handshakes your verbal thrust (or lack thereof) makes a statement about you as well. The loudest mouth in a group of men is often the alpha. In one-on-one conversations, alpha usually carries the conversation in some way -- from being the more informed or interesting party, to actually giving direct commands in some cases, while the "beta" shuts up and listens!

    Another thing the beta male often does to cement his lower status is attempt to sanitize or otherwise try to frame what he's saying so as not to provoke alpha. For instance, in that employee-boss situation, the employee may try to break some bad news to the boss softly or in a hedged fashion so as to minimize his displeasure (and possible wrath!).

    Whereas the boss simply states his mind with no regard as to how his words may make his subordinate "feel". (i.e., "You're fired Johnson!")

    In neutral encounters where there is no pre-established pecking order, the one who ISN'T afraid to speak up first is usually given a higher status grade by most women who would casually observe such an encounter.

    So even if it means stating the obvious, just do it. Because the actual content of what you're saying conveys less critical information than the silent signal delivered by just who is talking to whom. Get it?

    Again, subliminal. But that's why they call it making an impression. And these impressions will stack-up in your favor with repeated expression.

    5. Drop Dead and Smile. Now we're back to your interactions with women. Nervousness and fidgety jumpiness conveys a signal of having little personal confidence. Also when we're nervous we rarely smile but instead wear a mask of concern that can look angry. This generally doesn't make a great first impression on women, unless you know how to pull off the strong, brooding, silent type of vibe (although if you could I doubt you would be reading this now!)

    A better way to go is to smile and make great eye contact and generally just MODEL the sort of reaction that you want reflected back at you. Again, imagine the man of considerable status and power: master of his universe, he is calm and collected as he moves through life. No nervous fidgeting that might reveal an underlying insecurity about... what? His social skills, his bank account, his fading virility? Ha!... not a chance!

    And yet that's what YOUR nervousness can convey about you if you're not careful.

    Still nervous anyway? It's okay so long as it doesn't show itself too much visibly. Again, you can use this little mechanical trick to help yourself out: just hold a thumb pinched between your two fingers on the same hand and squeeze as tightly as you have to. This gives your nervous system a focal point in the body to quietly discharge itself -- allowing the rest of your muscles to relax and stop quivering. To "drop dead".

    This allows you to project a vibe of calmness that makes that awesome subliminal High Status impression on women which can go very far towards getting you some return interest from them!

    6. Become Comfortable With Silence. This is just the opposite of Point #1... i.e., overthinking everything that you want to say, rejecting it all and then saying nothing at all!

    Some guys can't tolerate any lull in a conversation with a girl and will seek to keep up a constant stream of nervous chatter because, well, they're nervous. But just consider for a moment a romantic scene from a typical movie: isn't it during those moments of silence when the words run out that all the truly important communication begins... spoken with long, penetrating looks and perhaps the first stages of physical contact?

    These pivotal moments of emotional / romantic connection will never occur however if you continue to prattle over every potential close moment like Woody Allen on speed! This blab serves no purpose other than to keep your own anxieties at bay, so stop it!

    Remember, one of the principle skills of the seducer is to seize upon moments of conversational lull and use them to move beyond words... to begin guiding a woman towards an eventual physical connection. This is a skill you want to work on for yourself beginning today. So the next time you find yourself blabbing away to cover up an uncomfortable silence, try sending her a silent signal of appreciation with your eyes instead.

    Remember, YOU may be uncomfortable with silence, but women are drawn into it. Learn to exploit this phenomenon.

    7. Change Something About Yourself to Improve Your Edge and Get Noticed. LSM's tend to become socially invisible after a while and will silently fade away into the background. You need to do something different to start lighting-up on her radar screen!

    No need to undergo any sort of colossal surgical makeover either -- improving just ONE small but significant thing about yourself can be enough to break everyone's old, cemented image of you and force them to begin reconsidering who you are. Grow your hair long, or shave it off. Get a tat (or a new one that's cooler). Try showing up in nice khaki's instead of the usual dirty jeans -- or if you're a button-down suit-and-tie guy then try loosening up your look a little. This kind of thing acts as a shock to the system (both to the people around you AND to yourself) and might finally start getting you noticed, maybe for the first time ever! Simple but effective.

    Well there's 7 ideas to get you started down the path to some potentially exciting personal change. Notice what I didn't tell you to do though... I didn't tell you to go out and get an expensive new wardrobe or to get rich somehow and buy yourself a flashy new car and some kickin' bling. The typical things you might think would be necessary to raise a guys' status so that women begin noticing him. These can be your long range goals to change and improve your life, but you must crawl before you can walk and it's easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged if you try to tackle the task of massive personal change head-on from several directions at once. Most of us probably wouldn't even know where to begin!

    So your first step will be to assume some of the behaviors of the HSM (even is simulation) and use the improved reactions from women as a basis to build your confidence up, and then just continue moving forward from there. Remember, the goal is to raise the appearance of your male status for the purpose of getting your foot in the door romantically... getting a momentary flash of interest from a chick that you can then seize upon and begin to build off of. One step at a time, right?

    ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: This non-verbal signal of male attractiveness sets the table in such a way to make it possible for you to avoid being rejected as much as possible. Otherwise you are constantly trying to fly in the face of a hurricane of female disinterest, and it won't be long before your fledgling confidence is shattered completely. You must avoid this.

    None of these seven things require any huge investment of money either. What they mostly require is an awareness of yourself -- how you act around others and the effect that it has on them. By adopting this sort of "fake it before you make it" idea of self-improvement you can begin to bootstrap yourself up out of your current behavioral rut and start to create little social breakthroughs for yourself here and there. These successes are crucial though because they provide bits of inspiration to keep you motivated and moving forward, always improving... getting smarter with each failure and more confident with each success!

    Before you know it, you'll be looking back 1, 2 or ten years later only to realize that the entire trajectory of your life has changed enormously for the better as a result of these simple beginning efforts.


    Source by Mike Pilinski


    There are many explanations for having all kinds of errors on your pc; if you've noticed an adobe reader 8 runtime error of late, have no fear. Recognize that the bulk of computer woes can easily be solved even if you're not a computer professional. Take a look at the rest of this quick guide and i'll teach you a simple yet powerful technique to stop these errors from happening.

    But first, it is a good idea that you determine the root of these problems. In instances such as these, often the problem lies with your windows registry - this is the place where your windows application monitors what takes place on your pc. It keeps within its database your software and hardware installations, not to mention the links to the files that control the operation of these programs. It is often the case that a broken link or damaged registry can cause an adobe reader 8 runtime error and a large number of other problems, which can include everything from computer slowdowns and freezes to pc startup problems.

    Other things that can be involved with runtime errors are the improper loading or removal of software programs, the incompatibility of various software applications (when there are many programs installed on your computer), becoming infected with viruses and spyware, and the list continues. Again, all these can cause missing or broken links in your windows registry, and consequently can cause windows to display all of those troublesome error alerts, or even worse problems.

    You can take care of these issues in a variety of ways; unfortunately, it is often difficult to try to discover which specific program(s), or which 'contaminated' registry setting(s) may be the cause of the trouble. If this is the case, especially if you are not a computer whiz, you can choose from two possibilities: look for a qualified computer technician (the pricey method), or install a specialized registry repair application.

    A registry cleaner is a tool that automatically scans your pc and finds a multitude of abnormalities common in personal computers; the program not only detects these errors, it automatically repairs them and optimizes your pc. If you happen to find yourself dealing with an adobe reader 8 runtime error, i suggest that you download one of the available utilities; the majority of them provide free computer scans and a limited number of free fixes. Now's your chance to eliminate this problem in a few minutes from now.


    Source by Matt Terkovsky


    If you're a new graduate, first up on your priority list will be getting a full time job. There are many tactics to use for marketing your employment skills but sending out cover letters and resumes are the most basic of them. And it has proven that it still works.


    A cover letter is the letter that accompanies your resume. The objective of a cover letter is to market you to your potential employer and convince them that your skills, experience, and attitude is right for the job. The cover letter is not about you, but about how you can meet the needs of the company you are applying to.

    For a recent graduate, cover letter sample is available on many sites on the internet. However, a new graduate must understand the reality of the application process. Companies receive dozens and dozens of resumes from interested applicants. It is highly probable that they do not pay as much attention to the cover letter. The resume is the most important document and if employers are impressed with your credentials, they will go back to the cover letter to learn about how you present and communicate yourself.

    Because the Internet also provides an efficient and effective way of applying for a job, other applicants also apply through email. In this case, your email to your potential employer is your cover letter. The same principles as the printed cover letter apply. Show the company that you did your homework and that you know about them.

    Here is, for the recent graduate, cover letter sample (names and places are fictional):

    Robert Brown
    Director for Training
    Lighthouse Corporation
    Johnson Lane, NJ

    June 18, 20008

    Dear Mr. Brown:

    The Head of Management Training of your Washington office, Ms. Jane Douglas, informed me that you are in need of skilled individuals for your management training program.

    I was under the one-year internship program in Lighthouse Corporation's Washington office during my last year as an Economics major at the University of Washington. I received my diploma in BS Economics this May and graduated with honors. I believe that the knowledge I gained from my education combined with the work experience from the internship program has adequately prepared me to train for a management position in your company. My professionalism and leadership potential will prove an asset in the field of your business.

    You can contact me through email or through my mobile number, 284 645 9784, to discuss a schedule to discuss the matter further. Should I not hear from you by June 30, I will directly coordinate with your office to set an appointment. I look forward to seeing you.


    Katherine White

    This sample shows the recent graduate, cover letter sample tips on how to write an effective cover letter. Since you are a new graduate, highlight your work and leadership experiences. Individuals with work experiences have the advantage.

    Be specific with dates, places, and people. Have a specific addressee for your letter because it is more personal and professional in that way. Discuss briefly on how you would fit their needs and use the third paragraph as a call to action. Do not use this template for all your applications. Tailor-fit your cover letter according to the company or industry.


    Source by Dirk Daggler


    There are many causes for coming across a number of error messages on your pc; if your pc has displayed an adobe acrobat reader runtime error of late, have no fear. You must realize that the bulk of computer woes may promptly be sorted out even if you are not a computer expert. Continue to read this brief how-to for an explanation of a simple yet powerful technique to prevent these errors from occurring.

    Before you begin, it's of great importance that you find out the cause of these issues. In a lot of cases like this, your windows registry comes into play - it's here that your windows application monitors all your computer activity. It works as a database of all the software and hardware installations you've performed, including the 'paths' to the files that control the operation of these programs. A link that is broken or a 'contaminated' registry can cause an adobe acrobat reader runtime error and many other inconveniences, not limited to the slowing down or locking up of your pc, and other system errors.

    Some of the other causes of runtime errors include improper program installations or uninstallations, the incompatibility of various software applications (when there are many programs installed on your computer), becoming infected with viruses and spyware, and so forth. To sum up, any or all of these can lead to lost or damaged links in your windows registry, thus causing your windows to come up with those inconvenient error alerts, and sometimes more alarming problems.

    There are many ways that enable you to solve these problems; the main difficulty lies in trying to figure out which specific program(s), or which registry setting(s) may be the cause of the trouble. In that situation, and particularly if you're not a computer professional, there are two courses of action: choose the expensive way and hire a computer technician, or utilize a program designed to clean your registry.

    A registry clean-up tool is an application which quickly searches your pc and reveals an assortment of computer errors which commonly appear; not only it detects these problems, it rapidly rids your computer of them, while increasing its efficiency. Therefore, if you come across an adobe acrobat reader runtime error, it is recommended to download one of these tools, the majority of them provide free scanning and a certain amount of fixing at no charge. Take this chance to end this nuisance with just a few minutes of your time.


    Source by Matt Terkovsky


    Having some knowledge of how to calculate finance charges is always a good thing. Most lenders, as you know, will do this for you, but it can helpful to be able to check the math yourself. It is important, however, to understand that what is presented here is a basic procedure for calculating finance charges and your lender may be using a more complicated method. There may also be other issues attached with your loan which may affect the charges.

    The first thing to understand is that there are two basic parts to a loan. The first issue is called the principal. This is the amount of money that is borrowed. The lender wants to make a profit for his services (lending you the money) and this is called interest. There are many types of interest from simple to variable. This article will examine simple interest calculations.

    In simple interest deals, the amount of the interest (expressed as a percentage) does not change over the life of the loan. This is often called flat rate or fixed interest.

    The simple interest formula is as follows:

    Interest = Principal × Rate × Time

    Interest is the total amount of interest paid.

    Principal is the amount lent or borrowed.

    Rate is the percentage of the principal charged as interest each year.

    To do your math, the rate must be expressed as a decimal, so percentages must be divided by 100. For example, if the rate is 18%, then use 18/100 or 0.18 in the formula.

    Time is the time in years of the loan.

    The simple interest formula is often abbreviated:

    I = P R T

    Simple interest math problems can be used for borrowing or for lending. The same formulas are used in both cases.

    When money is borrowed, the total amount to be paid back equals the principal borrowed plus the interest charge:

    Total repayments = principal + interest

    Usually the money is paid back in regular installments, either monthly or weekly. To calculate the regular payment amount, you divide the total amount to be repaid by the number of months (or weeks) of the loan.

    To convert the loan period, 'T', from years to months, you multiply it by 12. To convert 'T' to weeks, you multiply by 52, since there are 52 weeks in a year.

    Here is an example problem to illustrate how this works.


    A single mother purchases a used car by obtaining a simple interest loan. The car costs $1500, and the interest rate that she is being charged on the loan is 12%. The car loan is to be paid back in weekly installments over a period of 2 years. Here is how you answer these questions:

    1. What is the amount of interest paid over the 2 years?

    2. What is the total amount to be paid back?

    3. What is the weekly payment amount?

    You were given: principal: 'P' = $1500, interest rate: 'R' = 12% = 0.12, repayment time: 'T' = 2 years.

    Step 1: Find the amount of interest paid.

    Interest: 'I' = PRT

    = 1500 × 0.12 × 2

    = $360

    Step 2: Find the total amount to be paid back.

    Total repayments = principal + interest

    = $1500 + $360

    = $1860

    Step 3: Calculate the weekly payment amount.

    Weekly payment amount = total repayments divided by loan period, T, in weeks. In this case, $1860 divided by 104 weeks equals $17.88 per week.

    Calculating simple finance charges is easy once you have done some practice with the formulas.


    Source by Peter Kenny


    While Java technology can enrich today's computing experience, it is important to know how to fix a Java error should it occur.  The Java platform is essential to many common computer programs, and keeping a working knowledge of how to fix Java errors will make it possible to avoid any lengthy program interruptions.

    What is a Java Error?

    Java technology is a computer platform and programming language that was developed to make it easier to run almost any program on almost any device or computer.  It is the backbone of countless programs, from games to tools to services.

    One should not confuse Java with JavaScript, however.  JavaScript is a different programming language than Java technology and is often used by web browsers and sites.  It comes with its own set of errors, and there are different techniques required than when fixing Java errors.

    Fixing Java Errors

    The first place to check when confronted with having to fix a Java error is their official website.  The Java Help Center can be searched for a specific problem or error message and displays suggestions of fixing the problem.  The FAQ sections is also extremely edifying and very organized.

    If a search of the Help Center does not return pertinent results or if the suggestions are attempted and the error persists, it may be that there is another route to repairing the error.  Often Java errors simply result from a cluttered computer registry.  In these cases, proper maintenance of the PC's registry should provide error resolution.

    Maintaining a Registry Prevents Errors

    Many common errors on a PC, including Java errors, result from an overcrowded, unmaintained Windows registry.  A computer's registry contains information pertaining to programs, hardware, software, users, preferences, and other files.  Changes occur in the registry every time a user makes changes to these components of a PC, and most often, when a program is installed or deleted.

    Improper installation and deletion of programs can leave behind traces of unused file or change locations of needed files.  Regular registry maintenance fixes these issues, which end up causing computer freezes and crashes, file and Java errors, and general computer slowness.  Preventing and fixing Java errors can be as simple as restoring order to the computer's registry.

    Fix Java and Registry Errors Fast

    The easiest way to edit a computer's Windows registry and resolve a persistent Java error is to purchase a trusted registry cleaning software.  These applications perform quick scans of the entire registry and will sometimes spot hundreds of errors on a single machine.  Repair a java error quickly and accurately with a few mouse clicks.


    Source by Olivia Larson


    Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware. A text-to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech.

    Most of the text-to-speech software can read text-based files with natural voices using various voice engines. The text-to-speech voice engine on Vista is Microsoft Anna, and Microsoft Sam on the Windows XP. Vista users can hear a very clear voice of Anna, and the voice quality of Microsoft Anna is much better than that of Microsoft Sam.

    The speech synthesis Windows program called narrator has been shipped with Windows2000, Windows XP and Vista. When Windows users want to get not only voice reading but also audio files such as wave and mp3 files of the speech , they can install the free text-to-speech and text-to-mp3 application panopreter offered by panopreter.com. It reads text files and converts speech into wave and mp3 files, users can import generated audio files to portable devices, and listen to them while walking, jogging or commuting to work.

    Speech synthesis has been a vital assistive technology tool and its application in this area is significant and widespread, now commonly used by people with dyslexia and other reading difficulties as well as by pre-literate youngsters. Meanwhile, speech synthesis applications and gadgets are language learning tools.

    Speech synthesis techniques are now also used in entertainment productions such as games, anime and similar, and widely used in telecommunication products too.


    Source by Claud Matllon


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