Let's face it, things get easier when you hit it a little bit further. In all honesty, they get a lot easier. Having a 9 iron into the green versus a 6 iron gives you a much better shot at knocking down pins so though they say it's driving for show and putting for dough, I like to putt for my dough from really close to the pin. Here are three easy, quick tips to hit the golf ball deeper and as a result, much closer to the pin for your next million dollar putt.

First, get your breathing under control to hit the ball farther. Your breathing is so easy to control and so pivotal to your power production that it's an absolute shock that this information isn't more readily available to more golfers. Breathing properly can increase your power capability by upwards of 15-20% instantly. Dentists make mouth guards that actually protect teeth and relax jaw muscles to make sure the athlete can get a full flow of air into their body to take advantage of the amazing benefits the extra air provides. Unfortunately, golfers don't wear mouth guards so the information hasn't trickled over at present. That being said, all you have to do is make sure you're breathing in a relaxed manner and you're halfway to utilizing this extra power. The other half of harnessing breathing power is to make sure you're exhaling as you hit the ball.

Exhaling during your downswing will expel excess air out of your abdominal cavity allowing your abdominals to fully contract and fully engage your core to boost power and stability as you impact the ball. Next time you swing, calm your breathing and breathe out swiftly as you swing down and you'll harness this instant extra distance literally every time you swing the golf club.

Golf swing distance tip number two is another instant trick you can do to add length to your golf swing: Get your shoulders moving. The more you get your shoulders turned back against your upper body, the more torque you're going to build up and thus, the more stored energy will be unleashed into the shot once you swing. Here's the trick to doing this properly: Make sure you're turning your torso. You don't want to turn your shoulders against your ribcage. This isn't going to build any power and it's also likely to throw off your alignment. Focus on using your abs to help you turn your torso and shoulders back and through for optimal power and once again, don't forget to breathe properly during all of this.

The third golf swing power tip comes by way of opening the front foot just a touch. Open your front foot about ten degrees keeping the heel of the foot in the same place. This will allow your hips a touch more freedom and improve your ability to follow through on shots. This is an especially good tip for players that are less flexible then they used to be. Keep in mind that opening your foot further doesn't add to the effect. There's a basic balance we're creating here and breeching 10-15 degrees of opening would likely disrupt alignment and other aspects of your golf swing power production. Though it's good for the hips to come through, it's not good if the whole body comes through.

There's a bit more info on these simple golf swing power tips that can be found at Better Golf Secrets. Click the link and uncover more simple, useful golf swing power information right now!


Ty Cooper


Source by Ty Cooper

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