Hello. In this tutorial i am going to teach you how to connect to a public proxy for free on firefox and chrome using FoxyProxy Basic. In this tutorial i will be using firefox but this also works on chrome.
First, get FoxyProxy Basic.
Firefox plugin link: https://addons.mozil...oxyproxy-basic/

Install it and open it. It should look like this:

Then click "Add New Proxy" and go to http://proxylist.hidemyass.comin your browser.
Deselect everything except the ones selected (Also deselect https) in the image below and click update results.

Scroll down and find a proxy with the highest speed, connection time and anonymity level. Make sure its a socks5 proxy.
Now go back to foxyproxy. A part of the open window should look like the following image. That is all you will need.

Fill it out with the proxy information on HMA. Check Socks proxy and select Socks v5. After that click ok at the bottom of the window.

You will be back on the main FoxyProxy basic window. (As shown in the first image). Click "Completely Disable Foxyproxy" to the right of the words "Select Mode". Click your proxy and click close at the bottom of the window. Verify that your ip changed by looking up "What is my ip" on google or duckduckgo. If it is the same as the proxy you picked on HMA it worked.

This is my first tutorial. I hope it was helpful. Post below if there is a problem.

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