There are blogs everywhere online. There are free blogs, Web 2.0 blogs and blogs that cost money to create and maintain. Free blogs are great for the beginner but you are resisted by the rules of these blogs and in most cases you no longer own the content on these blogs. If you want freedom and to own the content on your blog then you need to create and maintain them yourself on your own domain name and hosting account. However this takes a lot of more expertise than some of the simpler free blog platforms now available.

Unfortunately as the popularity of blogs has increased the belief that blogs are unreliable sources of information has also increased. A lot of blogs are now being created by ordinary people who have little if any experience in marketing and in some cases just create blogs hoping to sell something as they believe the myth that it is easy to make money blogging without any experience or training.

A blog for the experienced marketer can be a great way of building up trust and awareness of their products and services. Not only that but search engines seem to love blogs especially those with new and original content. However if bloggers are to be taken seriously they need to follow some basic rules which are basically more like a code of ethics so that people once again will realize that not all blogs contain unreliable information and facts.

Check Your Facts Before Blogging About Them.

A good marketer should check their facts before posting anything on their blog. Even doing some basic research can help determine if your information is correct. If you post false information especially about stuff that is easily verifiable then this will do nothing for your credibility. Remember also that things change so regularly check your blog for out of date information and update it if necessary.

Be Aware of Copyright Laws

Copyright laws protect everyone including you. You can use information from elsewhere online for research but do not simply copy content from other sites and paste in onto your website or blog. Most people fail to realize that the majority of information available online is copyrighted and simply copying and passing it off as your own content is considered an illegal use under copyright laws.

Think About What You Post.

It is important that you think about any implied meaning in what you post on your blog. Once posted there is no way to retract your words even though you can amend your blog post. Choose your words carefully so that there is no way you can hurt anyone or harm any other businesses.

Be Aware of Comments Added to Your Blog.

Monitor and limit the type of comments your readers can leave on your blog. Think about comments like you think about your blog posts and delete any comment that might offend people as soon as possible. Remember even though you did not write these comments that they are on your blog and can reflect badly on you and cause your visitors to leave your blog.

Credit Where Credit is Due.

As mentioned above you can not just copy content and add it to your website. However there is an exception to this rule in that you can copy content and paste it if you are allowed to under certain rules. For example, you can copy articles from article sites providing you do not change anything and leave the resource box intact. Basically you need to provide credit to any resources you use. Not doing so will breach copyright rules.

Source by Kerrie Sheehan

Blogging - Basic Rules For Blogging

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