Blogging  to the bank – this has got to be one of the most popular  blogging  ebooks of all time. The creator of it makes a lot of money  blogging . However, there’s a right AND a wrong way to make money with blogs and I’m here to cut to the chase and make it easy for you.

What Doesn’t Work

  1. Overpowering AdSense ads all over your blog pages and posts, especially ones that are totally irrelevant.

  2. Writing on a blog topic that nobody cares about.

  3. Not updating your blog regularly enough.

  4. Not building a relationship with your blog visitors.

Now it’s not that hard to make an awesome amount of money  blogging . I know that because I’ve replaced my day job income as a blogger.

If you’re starting out learning how to blog then I recommend that you find someone who is successful as a blogger and duplicate what they do. Don’t become distracted by other people or follow what 50 people other people are doing as you’ll just get bamboozled and waste money and give up.

I recommend that you also keep your costs as low as possible. Ultimately starting out you probably need money for a few domain names, web hosting (some of these are just a few dollars a month), plus maybe a good book about  blogging  all the way to the bank.

Devote what time that you can to it when starting out. If you only have 30 minutes a day then that’s it. But make sure that you devote time to your  blogging  business as you would any offline business.

Source by Virginia Daley

Blogging to the Bank in 2009 - What Works and What Doesn't to Make Money With Blogs

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