So now that you have the basic concept of what  email  marketing  is, you probably want to know where to send these  emails  to. The typical person that you would want to send your email to would be someone who could also be referred to as a lead.

So what exactly is a lead? A lead would be a person that perhaps some type of interest in your product. For example, you should be realistic enough to know that if you sell toy cars that not everyone is going to be interested in this product. However, those who are searching for it online, watch videos of toy cars, or have purchased a toy car from you are perhaps more likely to buy from you in the future than anyone else.

The process of generating leads is extremely important if you intend to do  email  marketing . This is why creating lists of email addresses and people are so important to do from the very beginning. Even though you may never actually send emails out you should still collect emails whenever possible. You never know when you might find them useful later on. It does not matter what point you are at now, whether you have had your website up for several years or you are just getting ready to work through your sales pitch. If you can find a place to collect emails from your site visitors, you should.

How gathering emails should be done

Generally, there are numerous ways to collect people. Probably the most popular ploy is to offer something for free. In return, you make sure they give you a valid email address. One of the best marketers I have seen used this tactic and is quite successful at it. What he does before he releases a new marketing class that he puts on, he will release a few videos. These videos will give real and quality information to those who watch it. In fact, I loved them and learned a lot from the small tips he offered in them. In the end, he would encourage you to see a few other videos which were private. The only way to see those videos would be to register on his website. He was clear and open with you about it that upon release of his new product, he would be sending you an email to remind you and give you a special deal on the price.

The end result is that I signed up. I got my email that he promised he would send me. I never purchased his product, but many did. I have seen a lot of discussion about it on several forums too. It was clearly a good marketing technique.

Another common way of gathering people on your list is to make those who buy from you give their email to you. This is a good way to retain customers as well. A lot of people will search for something on the internet, they will buy from a company they are not real familiar with, but when they want to buy more of that product they will never know where to find you again. If you send them occasional follow up emails with new specials you are offering you may find that they will buy more products from you in the future. This is not an idea of spamming them everyday, once per month is about right, but could be spread out a little further even if you see fit. Also, the more you can tailor that email to what they previously bought the better. For example, if you own a car parts store and they previously bought rotors off of you, you may consider sending them an email when you have specials on rotors.

Source by Aaron Goldberg

Email Marketing - Generating Leads

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