This article relates to the subject of  email  marketing  and how to get maximize content. Having permission to deliver email to an inbox is a powerful tool in nothing should be left to chance. There are a number of elements to consider when sending a  marketing  email , the key aspects listed below.

1) FONT- This is a hot topic, and many Internet marketers prefer to use plain text, as elaborate text distracts the eye and devalues the content- if this is your feeling, then just use the default text. For others, try Verdana and Tahoma for Headlines, coloured red and in a larger font. General consensus is that the body of the message should always be plain, text size 10-14 in Aerial, Verdana or Georgia. In addition, remember your target audience- no point writing in font size 10 when the email is being read by Grandma Jenkins who’s lost her prescription spectacles down the side of the couch.

2) COMPOSITION- Another contentious issue are images in emails. Firstly, it is important to create a distinction between two emails types A) HTML emails and B) Plain text email. The distinction is important as many people on your list may not be able to open HTML emails, and therefore much of the information and effects you have labored over will be wasted. Secondly those who do use HTML emails usually have there images function switched off by default, and all that is left in place are those annoying little boxes with red x’s in. At least to begin with, keep your composition as simple as possible.

3) THE WORDS THEMSELVES!- Ever wondered why, when you get an email from an Internet Marketer, the word FREE has an * in the middle, or maybe has full stops after each letter i.e. F.R.E.E. This is to stop the message going in your spam box. Put simply, many  email  providers provide the option to filter  emails , and ones which appear to be mass  marketed  will be diverted. Therefore, try and be eloquent in my emails, whilst not sounding pretentious. ‘pro bono’ is a common termed used by professionals whilst doing a job for free and ‘Gratis’ another Latin word can be used which is pretty common also.

4) EMAIL SIGNATURES- Most email providers will give you this facility, but as Gmail is vastly popular I’ll give this as an example. All you do is click on settings on the right at the top, and scroll down to where it says ‘Signature’. Now if you want to put a banner add at the end of your email, simply paste the affiliate code into the signature box and highlight the radio button indicating signature on. Similarly, if you want to cloak a text affiliate link then click on the link icon to write what you do want to be seen an past the link in to the address bar.

5) SUBJECT- last but not least, make the Subject box as personal as possible, ideally using the prospects first name. The first few emails should be pre-sell only, with your main goal to come across as an over deliverer. Once your client has come to expect only good things from you then you can begin to market to their needs. If someone sees you selling something in the subject box you can bet they will be deleting the email asap.

Source by Neil Dunford

Email Marketing Solutions

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