Learning how to make money with email marketing can be the most financially rewarding education you may ever get. Every email marketing guru knows that those who learn how to unite email promotion and Internet marketing are the ones who will always be the most successful online. Why? Because if things get slow all they have to do is write a message, hit send and broadcast it to the people on their list. Sounds pretty sweet doesn’t it?

Without exaggerating, it’s entirely possible to make over six figures a year with nothing more than a list of subscribers. Believe it or not, many successful entrepreneurs don’t even have their own website. Yet, they make money hand over fist every day with simple emails they took a few minutes to write.

Believe me, writing these emails are not as hard as you might think. If you can speak clearly, you can write clearly. If you can logically form a sentence when talking, you can put that same sentence in writing. So don’t be intimidated by negative thoughts before you get started.

With that said, here are 7 techniques you can put to use to make money with email marketing.

1. The truth is, if you can write and send an email to a friend or family member, then you can pull this off. The trick, if you want to call it that, is to think of everyone on your list as someone you know personally. In fact, when writing, make every effort to write as if you’re talking to a friend. One friend. Not a bunch of friends, just one. Your goal is to make a connection with each person on your list.

2. Personalize your messages. Since you are writing as if to a friend, always if possible, use the subscribers name in the greetings. Most autoresponders allow you to do this by adding a simple field such as firstname, or something like it, throughout your messages. Don’t over do it though. Including a persons name too many times in your messages may make it sound like hype. Remember you’re writing to a friend not a wallet!

3. Master the art of writing subject lines. Your subject line is probably the most important part of every email you send. If your subscribers don’t open the emails you send them it won’t matter how good your messages are. First and foremost, you must get those subject lines clicked on to make money!

Start taking notice of the emails you receive in your Inbox. Think about the ones that got your attention and why you opened them. Create a special folder within your email provider and call it “swipefile” so you can turn to it when you need inspiration.

Pay attention to the titles and subtitles of magazines and books in your industry. Magazine editors are masters at getting the attention of prospects with short catchy phrases. Think about this whenever you feel compelled to pick up a magazine and read it because of a subtitle on the cover. If possible, take note and write it down for later reference.

4. Make each email worth reading on it’s own merits. Make it informative. Give your subscribers something to chew on. Something they can use. But, don’t write in such away that they feel satisfied. The goal is to make them want to click on your links and get more information. As one email marketing guru likes to suggest, make your email messages “useful but incomplete”.

5. Never sell anything in your emails. Always, pre-sell. The ultimate goal of every message you send is to wet your subscribers appetite for whatever you’re promoting. Let them know that you’ve found something beneficially related to the subject of your email.

Never write or promote anything unrelated to the purpose of each particular list you may own. In other words, don’t send an email about “Internet marketing” to your “cheap vacation spots” list, or vice versa. You’ll lose your subscribers quick!

6. If possible, every once and a while, give something away free, such as a short special report. It doesn’t need to be long as long as it’s informative. Include affiliate links sprinkled throughout. Make it viral by telling your subscribers they can pass it around. This is an awesome way to grow your list and make money at the same time. For this to work, be sure and include a link to your opt-in page in your report.

7. If at all possible, seek out affiliate programs that pay residual commissions and promote those as well. When it comes to email marketing, this is the absolute best way to have the closest thing to a guaranteed income.

Without getting into targeted list building, autoresponders, opt-in page copywriting and so forth, this is in-a-nut-shell, how to make money with email marketing. Don’t let yourself or anyone else talk you out of doing it.

© Mark Burleson

Source by Mark Burleson

How To Make Money With Email Marketing - 7 Techniques

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