SEO and  link  popularity  are strategies that webmasters, developers and various other web owners use to promote their web sites to major search engines.

How it works:

 Link  popularity  starts with web owners collecting quality, relevant  links  from other web owners. The collectors use databases to store emails and linking pages, which they write emails to other web owners asking permission to link to their page. Some web owners permit one-way link exchange, while others back link, or except inbound, outbound links and so on. In some instances, PR2-3-4, and so on is requested before the web owners can link to partner sites.

The web sites requested to insert  links  on their page must have relevant products or services to achieve  link  popularity . The links must have quality that meets the standards of major search engines to reach the top ranks. Ranking is important, since if web owners can get to the top of search engines, thus they increase traffic.

Web owners often rely on hired in workers, specializing in SEO to collect links to other web sites. Some times the link exchange workers fall short of expectations, which interrupts business? Because so many SEO marketing problems caused many setbacks, thus technology developed leading tools to help web owners collect links, effectively capable of getting them ranked at the top search engines. Now you have many options, so go online and check out the latest SEO engine promoter tools.

There are few ways to identify link building.

  • 1) Direct Link: This is where a site links to you. It can be that someone found your article interesting and requested permission to use it with your linking information.

  • 2) Reciprocal Link: Two web-sites exchange links. You may have already received a numerous link exchange request. Pay attention what web-site is requesting this exchange. Is this web-site in real estate market? Do they have good information about what they offer? Do not link to any site that is not real estate related. Put it this way…would you post article about housing bubble and than link to article about food?

  • 3) Three way reciprocal links: Each time you get a request to exchange links with some site, always ask where your link will be placed. Many webmaster use site A, but they will post your link from site B. This is done, or believed to be done so search engines will not detect that you are exchanging links every day. This is myth and not even confirmed. I personally do not think it actually matters.

Why would you want to exchange links? The more links are pointing to your site, the better. Not only search engines will find you quicker, but you will start to build up  link  popularity . Google, for instance uses Page Rank tool to determine your  link  popularity .

Page Rank is only used by Google. If you are linking form site A to site B, this is to Google a vote. However it does not only pass the link but also a page rank value from the other site. Best method is to get links form high PR (page rank ) websites.

Source by Martin Lukac

Link Popularity and SEO

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