This is a method of making money online through blogging. You need to do a few things in order to lay a foundation for establishing a money making blog. The first method you can look into is the flagship method. This is where attention is given to a few blogs with an aim of popularizing them for them to generate maximum traffic. The main aim being to make these blogs as popular as possible in their niche. Blogs of this type do have large audiences. In this type of blogs direct sales advertising is one of the options of making money through such a blog. Such a blog is for people who have the capacity in terms of networking skills and also they understand everything about the market. These kinds of blogs are advantageous in that they are famous and due to the fact that they are big they market and promote themselves once they have attained a certain level of growth. On the other hand you should expect to use a lot time on these blogs looking for content and searching for marketing ideas.

The other method you can use to make money blogging is the one popularly known as the pay per post method.Using pay per post method you will use your domains or you can still use the available free blog hosts like blogger to establish multiple niche blogs and build their Google page rank and also their link profile through their maintenance and writing quality content. From here you can do submission of blog posts to blog websites like Blogsvertise, blogotive and pay per post among others and henceforth you can move on to writing of sponsored posts. The best one to use here is the pay per post because it contains the most paid offers. One of the reasons why people may prefer such a blog is because not many people are required to visit your blog for you to make money. Even a small number of people are enough for you to make a substantial amount of money. On the other hand these blogs are time consuming in their initial stages as much of your time will be needed to write multiple blog posts and also in maintaining these posts though such work will gradually be reduced after the optimization of those blogs and after they have been in operation for some time.

The other method of blogging is the automated blogging where you have your blogs set such that they will automatically receive content from different news sources and search engines for use in your website. These blogs do not demand a lot because no maintenance is needed in these blogs as they do not require your direct involvement for example in writing of content. Such blogs have a lesser chance of making profit unless you have a very good understanding of how they work.

Source by R Benwells

Making Money Blogging

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