Why is  link  popularity  so important? First of all, what is  link  popularity ?  Link  popularity  is the search engines’ assignment of  popularity  to your web site based on your inbound  links  – and that impacts your search engine rankings. So you need  link  popularity  to get the search engine rankings you want.

You can get  link  popularity  in a number of different ways. You can get  link  popularity  by trading  links  with other web masters. The reason I don’t do that though is that if they get their web site delisted in the search engines or something like that, then you have a link to a bad web site. So if you are going to do that, put all the links on one page or set of pages, and then check them once a month. Anybody who is showing a ‘0’ pagerank should be taken off your list – and do not exchange links with anyone who is a ‘0’ pagerank.

So how else to do it? A tedious way of doing it, but it works, is web site directory submission – you submit your web site to a list of maybe 100 web directories – and they post a link to you in their web site. The drawback to that is that it can take up to six months for the links to show up – but, hey, you are planning to be in business in six months anyway, right – so then the links will help you then.

The next way to get  link  popularity  – and my favorite way – is to write articles and submit them to the various article directories online. They like to have your content, and of course you like to have the link back to your web site, so it actually works out quite well for both of you.

The key with this is to write a lot of articles – I have people complain to me that they are not getting any traffic from the articles – but they have only submitted like 10 or so. Look, I know it is hard work – but at the time I am writing this I have around 1100 – and I intend to write about 30 today.

So it gets me back to my old soapbox – you have to work hard if you want to make it online – but if you make it online, the rewards are great.

Source by Sean Mize

Quick Link Popularity - Advance in Link Popularity

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