Why get into blogging? Why waste your time blogging when you can spend your time better doing something else? Are you going to make money by blogging? These are a few of the most common questions encountered by anyone who wants to get into blogging. Sadly, many people out there with the talent didn’t pursue blogging because of the pressure. I am a blogger and I enjoy blogging and these are my reasons why. I hope that with these seven reasons I can provide you with the motivation and inspiration to pursue the art of blogging.

1. Blogging is a Good Means of Self-Expression

Whether you think you have great ideas that could change the world or you simply want to be heard, blogging can be your ticket to sharing what you have in mind. The blogosphere is composed of different blogs from different people touching various topics from daily personal things to deep stuff like religion and philosophy.

2. In Blogging, The World is Your Audience

The internet covers most parts of the world if not all, and I say this because not everyone in the world has internet access yet but the numbers are growing steadily everyday. This means that everything you display in your blog has the potential to be noticed and absorbed by everyone who has internet access. Whatever it is that you want the world to know, blogging is the way to go.

3. Blogging Can Be Profitable

Yes, you can make money out of blogging. Right now I can’t say that I’m already making enough out of my blog to say that it’s profitable, but a simple internet search will show you a few bloggers who have made substantial amounts money simply by blogging.

4. Blogging Can Be Personally Rewarding

I have a few blog posts that have been mentioned at forums as being good sources of information and there are a few people who have told me that they love reading my articles. There are also people who have thanked me because my blog articles have helped them and it makes me feel really good about myself. I know that my ideas are reaching people and I know that I have touched the hearts and minds of my readers and that in itself gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

5. Blogging Can Be a Way of Connecting

Just a month into blogging and I have already made a few online acquaintances who seem to share the same frame of thinking that I have. I can’t honestly say we’re friends already, but finding these like-minded people from different parts of the world wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t get into blogging and I am looking forward to finding more and possibly making friends with some of them. Finding like-minded people who accept and understand you for what you are is something that you don’t easily find in this world and blogging is one way of attracting like-minded people.

6. Blogging Can Give You Social Value

Some bloggers out there have become recognized as “experts” in their field of discussion simply by posting informative blogs. There are bloggers who have come a long way from being “nobody” into some sort of celebrity simply by blogging about their interests. One man’s junk can be another man’s treasure they say, and the same can be said about blogging. The ideas you have can be easily rejected by those around you, but there are people somewhere in the world, over the internet who will find that your ideas make a lot of sense and will thank and praise you for sharing them in your blog.

7. Blogging is Either Free or Really Cheap

If you simply want to make a blog and don’t mind being on a subdomain, there are sites like WordPress and Blogger where you can get free blog hosting. Otherwise, you can search for hundreds of hosting services out there who offer blog hosting packages for as little as a few dollars a month, and your domain only costs below dollars a year to register and retain.

Source by Jonel Fernando

Seven Good Reasons For Blogging

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