There are dozens of advantages of  email  marketing  that I can think of, but today’s article will cover just the top 5.

Online  email  marketing  has become the best way to grow an online business – and if you aren’t doing it correctly you’re leaving lumps of cash on the table.

If you aren’t completely sure about it yet, hopefully after today’s article you’ll realize that the advantages of  email  marketing  outweigh any disadvantages you could possibly think of. In fact, they outweigh them by a huge margin.

  • 1) Viral Emails – In today’s world, getting something to go “viral” (where your customers pass your message onto friends, relatives, etc. without you doing anything) can boost your income so much you would never believe it. If you’re smart or lucky enough to think of an idea that can become viral  email  marketing , it’s like hiring clones of yourself to work for you!

  • 2) Effectiveness of  Email  Marketing  – Unfortunately, almost every person online today is very skeptical. They don’t trust new websites or new people. Statistics show that on average it takes about 7 messages to make a person trust you enough to buy from you. If you’ve ever wondered why your landing page isn’t converting good enough – that might be one of the reasons.  Email  marketing  allows you to stay in contact with your prospects until they trust you and will buy from you!

  • 3) It Doesn’t Take Long – Effective marketing doesn’t have to take long to do. Matt Furey, one of the most famous email marketers in the world, say it takes him on average about 10-12 minutes to write an email – sometimes much less depending on the subject. The funny part is, he generates tens of thousands of dollars for every single email he sends! Not a bad way to spend a few minutes, is it?

  • 4) Continuous  Marketing  – One of the greatest advantages of  email  marketing  is that instead of a visitor coming to your website once, you can market to that same person over and over. In almost any business on earth, repeat customers are worth many times more money than new customers – and  email  marketing  is the easiest way to pull out extra money from your existing customers. You simply build a great relationship, sell them a wonderful product, show them that they can trust you and deliver more than expected. It’s really not that hard!

  • 5) Joint Venture Leverage – Another great advantage of  marketing  through  emails  and autoresponders is that the more subscribers you have on your list, the more leverage you have to make even more money and have more power in your niche. When trying to joint venture with other online businesses, one of the first questions they’ll ask is “how big is your list”. If you have a big list, you can joint venture with almost anyone – which is yet another form of viral  email  marketing  and one of the best ways to make money online.

There are many advantages of  email  marketing , I’ve just listed a few. If you don’t know the ins and outs of  email  marketing  you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

The difference in conversion rates can make a huge difference since this should be one of your highest forms of income.

If you don’t understand  email  marketing  to the fullest extent, I would highly suggest either investing in a few courses and learning it yourself or having someone do it for you.

The advantages of  email  marketing  is simply too great to pass it off. Start building a list today or start learning how to write effective emails and watch your income double, triple, or even quadruple!

Source by Jeremy Reeves

The Top 5 Advantages of Email Marketing

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