Link directories are places where are a lot of sites available.

The sites are separated according to their niche or main theme or content that they support. There are different categories into which these sites are classified.

Some of them are: Arts, Communication, Engineering etc,. They are further divided into sub categories also depending on the subject they choose to represent.

There are many link directories available on the internet, what is their use?

They are used to link to other websites that are available on the internet and help internet users to find websites they desire to read.

How it goes:

-If there is a new website, then you need to submit it to these link directories so that your website is available on the net at various places.

-For submission these link directories offer various ways like paid submission(in which your website will be featured on their main page), reciprocal link(in which your website will be linked back from the directory), Free submission(in which you just need to submit your site and details).

-Submitting a paid submission is advantageous because then it will be featured in the main page and more chances of getting more traffic.

-But generally well known link directories are all for free – like Google, yahoo etc,.

-Web Directory’s also help allot in building your  link  popularity , there are also some Search Engine Expert teams that can submit your website to many web directory’s for small fee.

Most known web directory on internet are DMOZ and Yahoo directory. To get into DMOZ it will take you lots of time, because approval is manual and you need to have very good, old and established website. Some search engines give boost to your search engine reputation points if your listed inside DMOZ.

The simple logic is the more places your site is available, the more chances of people finding it. This is a traditional way of increasing traffic to your website.

Source by Davor Puklek

Web Directory Increases Link Popularity

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