There are hundreds of social networking websites with more opening up every day. You could use all of them, however you will be better off picking a select few. If you jump around from site to site you will spread your resources thin. This will give you negative results. As a business owner you do not have much time to market, so you better market wisely by picking the best social network for your business.

The most popular social networking site is Facebook with over 500 million users. Facebook has been around since 2004 and has become one of the largest social networking websites on the internet. They have been so successful that Google is beginning to worry about their future. A study released in 2010 provided evidence that Facebook does have more market share than Google. Facebook market share is still growing.

Facebook is a family oriented network. They have a wide array of users with different likes and dislikes. This makes Facebook a prime spot for a social marketing campaign. No matter what you niche, you are bound to find people who are interested at Facebook. Therefore you cannot go wrong by choosing Facebook as your main avenue for your social marketing campaign.

Another well-known social networking website is MySpace. MySpace does have a loyal following of people who have been with them since the beginning. The only downfall to MySpace is that there is quite a bit of marketing spam. This has caused many people to abandon MySpace for other networks like Facebook. However it is still a very popular and highly used social network.

Twitter is yet another very popular and well-known social network with a wide array of users. Twitter utilizes what they call “tweets” which is similar to an “instant message”. For business and marketing purposes you can send out a Tweet when you publish a new blog post or when you have a news announcement. This enables you to keep your customers and followers informed without sending out an old fashion email.

A popular and effective way to market on Twitter is by using a blog that you update regularly. Every time you post to your blog it sends status updates to twitter. You will need to install a plugin on your blog to send status updates to Twitter. You also should link your blog to your main business website. This setup can help create customer loyalty without a sales pitch. You will get a natural flow of traffic by giving users quality information that they will come to appreciate.

You can also use YouTube, which is a popular video sharing website. It has been proven over and over that several people would rather watch a simple video than reading a long article. Marketers use YouTube to share their how to’s, product reviews and even comedy skits. You can easily get first page rankings in Google with a simple video. This can help you generate massive amounts of traffic almost overnight.

Almost every single successful marketer uses at least one social network and you should too. I would start with one social network and then spread out to others once you feel comfortable with your social marketing campaign. My current favorites are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. They have been highly effective in my social marketing campaigns.

Depending on your niche you might be able to find other social networks that centralize around your niche. I don’t see any reason you should not have the same success I have if you learn to use social networks to your advantage.

Source by Dennis J. Cole

What Is The Best Social Media Network for Internet Marketing?

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