Facebook contests are an essential element to marketing on Facebook. For businesses, Facebook is all about engaging the customer, building a list or fan following, and building a brand. You can transform your Facebook presence and fan following with commenting, sharing, and interactive contests. Marketing here is essential to any business alive or wanting to be alive today. Learning how to market does not need to be difficult, expensive, or excessively time-consuming. It can be easy, effective, and powerful if you learn to use some key tools. Heck, it can even be fun! Enter the Facebook contest.

Facebook contests are one of these essential tools that will help you leverage yourself and your business in a mighty powerful way. First of all, they are great because people love them. Have a fun contest with an awesome prize or a chance to showcase fans and their friends, and you are in there! The other reason these are so great because of the viral capability of contesting.

Facebook Contests Go Viral

Facebook contests have viral potential because when a user enters a contest, the contest info automatically comes up in their status update and feed, visible to all of their friends. When another friend sees this and also enters the contest, the contest also goes up for all of their friends to see. As friends join (and they always will given you have a killer prize), voila! You have a viral contest running strongly. It is very cool to observe.

Engage Your Fans to Create a Following

Marketing on Facebook is all about making it all about your fans, and not yourself. Don’t reprint your website onto your Facebook page. This will make you seem stale very quickly and your ‘fans’ will be steady hitting the back button. Engage them with useful, interesting, and unique content and make sure you respond. Contesting is an excellent way to accomplish this. It can be very fun for the user and they eliminate the boring factor. In this way, you can build both a list and a visible following easily, affordably, and in record time.

Offer a Killer Prize, and They Will Come

Your contest doesn’t have to be major. For example, say that you are a hairdresser. You can giveaway a free haircut, or a free product. You could even do something cooler, like have a “Worst Bad Hair Day” photo contest and award the worst hairdo with a free ‘do or product. Say you own a spa, you could simply offer a free spa day or spa service, or to up the ante, run a Mother’s Day Contest to give the most stressed out mother a rejuvenating trip to the spa. These options are varied and really fun, especially and most importantly for the fans you need to be catering to.

Contesting Is Also Great for Internet Marketers

Facebook contests don’t even need to be limited to physical items or services. For example, if you are an Internet Marketer, you can run a contest to give away a free course you’ve done. This is even greater because digital products take no more time and no more money to create. It’s a complete win-win. If you are a coach you could create a contest to giveaway some free coaching or a free starter kit. These are just a few ideas. Contesting are a great way to really implement the things that drive fan-love on Facebook; commenting, sharing, coupons, and giveaways.

Winning, the lottery, getting free or heavily discounted stuff, and contests are very attractive to all of us. People love them and can’t get enough of them. Facebook contests are an awesome way to grow your business and brand.

Why not try one today?

Source by Mia El

Facebook Contests and Marketing on Facebook

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