Anyone out there still wondering what  Twitter  is? Or why you need to use it?

 Twitter  is a communication tool, plain and simple.

Never was this more evident than with the latest catastrophe in Japan.

Not only has it been used for people within Japan’s borders to try and locate loved ones, but to relay information immediately across the globe.

The power of  Twitter .

If you are still wondering what  Twitter  is all about, you shouldn’t be. This latest news wave should have cemented it’s relevance. To the world.

 Twitter  is much more than a little social media platform. It has become a powerhouse of a communication tool for planet Earth. That’s right, the whole wide world!

I’ll admit, I happened to be on Facebook at the time of the Tsumani and heard about it first on Facebook. But, as soon as I saw the status update about it, I immediately switched over to  Twitter .


Because  Twitter  is still “real time.” I knew that whatever was going on over there, somebody would be sending out messages. Quickly. Or at least quicker than the other social media mediums.

And, I was right!

Within minutes, people were on  Twitter  trying to pass on information, get the facts, and communicate.  Twitter  is such “real time” that we need to think of it as a constant conversation stream.

It just never stops.

It’s easy to become a fanatical cheerleader for all things  Twitter . As each new wave of “ways to use it” emerges, I’m more convinced than ever of it’s staying power.

Where else can you get information with such speed (sometimes with pictures and video), locate resources in an instant, and find ways to help others so quickly?

Mainstream finally caught on!

Turn on any news channel today and chances are, you will see the newscasters reading directly from the  Twitter  stream. They are constantly trying to engage their listeners by asking them to “follow me on  Twitter .”

What does that say about news as we now know it? It’s interactive.  Twitter  is where the people are.  Twitter  is now the pulse of the human race!

 Twitter  is not just for disasters.

Of course, using the example of Japan’s misfortune is somewhat risky. I’m not trying to use that horrible scenario as a means to promote  Twitter . What I’m doing though, is showing the sheer power of the  Twitter  stream.

 Twitter  is being used for humanitarian purposes now. There are and will continue to be people giving links to places you can donate to help with Japan’s clean-up. (Watch out for those. Do your due diligence first!) There will be plenty of opportunities for you to pitch in and I sincerely hope you will.

What  Twitter  has become….

 Twitter  has somewhat become a place “for the people, by the people.” Know what I mean? It’s people talking about whatever, voicing opinions, looking for resources, giving their evaluations of events and situations, and it’s not going away. It’s only going to get bigger and better!

How this affects YOU….

 Twitter  is business friendly! Don’t be afraid to join a conversation and participate. People are wanting to stop there, stay a while, and learn new things.

That’s your cue!

Talk about what you and your business can do for others. Don’t just blend in with the chatter by giving your link. Start a conversation. Tweet about what it is you offer that others might need. And, here’s a radical thought. Ask how you might be of service. Chances are, there’s somebody out there right now needing what you have to offer.

Hop on over to  Twitter ! See how fast you can say “Follow me on  Twitter .”

Source by Martha Giffen

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