Hello and welcome to Speeding up your PC tutorial. LoL – Leauge of Legends To play this amazing game and join our community please use this link here

1)The part one of this tutorial will show you to make your PC boot and load faster.

You will be removing the windows loading bootgui also removing startups that cause your OS load slower.

(- run – type in – msconfig – BOOT.INI – Tick the BOOTGUI – Startup programs – Removing msn, limewire, utorrent and such will increase the loading of your windows.)

2)The part two of this tutorial will be consisting in editing and creating new regedits.

a) Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop using Regedit and edit the AutoEndTask key. Set it to 1 in decimal. (Caution: this will disable any confirmations like “Do you want to save document X before closing?”)

b) HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop – MenuShowDelay ( defualt will be 400) you can also do it 200 delay. 0 no delay.

c) make any service close faster

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl and set the WaiToKillServiceTimeout to 1000 or 2000.

d) OPTIONAL ( wasn’t shown in this tutorial )

– make the open applications close faster at shutdown

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop and set the WaitToKillAppTimeout and HungAppTimeout keys to 1000. Make these two changes in the HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelDesktop too.

e)If you use NTFS this registry registry tweak will increase the system performance.



Use it to disable constant updating of dates a file/folder was last accessed.


Use it to disable support for old DOS 8-character filenames.

If the above entries don’t exist, create them as new DWORDs.

3)The part three of this tutorial will consist in download and installing cleaning tools that will help you clean and increase your PC performance ( this is recommend to all the gamers out there, you don’t wanna lose that extra 50fps 😉 )

Cleaning tools (uniblue )


Rapidshare –

EASYSHARE – Tools.rar

You will need winrar to extract the files which can be downloaded here –

English version 32bit –

English version 64bit –

* Uniblue

– RegistryBooster 2010 ( Cleans and defragments your registry for a quicker PC )

– SpeedUpMyPC 2010 ( Improves PC Performance and optimize your operating system )

– DriverScanner 2010 ( Manages and updates drivers for optimal speed and stability )

– Disk Cleanup ( Will cleanup most of the dump files and recycled files aswell )

*NOTE* To start the disk cleanup follow these steps: My Computer – Right click on your hard disk – Properties -General – Click on disk cleanup.

– Defragmentation ( this option will defragment files on the volume )

*NOTE* To start the Defragmentation follow these steps: My Computer – Right click on your hard disk – Properties -Tools – Click on Defragment Now.

( IMPORTANT: If your hard disk is split into partitions or you have 2 hard disks on the same system I recommend you doing the same for both )

Ccleaner – CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download. –

Other tips:

1)INTRO: If you wish to learn more about making intros for your movies or fun with adobe after effects, I recommend you going to this site, Andrew Kramer is a god of AE I am still learning from his tutorials there is also tutorials that are for beginners ( and when i say that I mean it, he explains AE from scratch)

So yeah if your interested in learning AE go check this owsem guy out.

2) If you encounter any difficulty or have any questions regarding any part of this tutorial, please leave a comment here or on my channel I will be happy to replay back with an answer.

Please SUBSCRIBE if you found this helpful and you are interested in more tutorials like this in the future.

Thanks for watching!

PizziL LoL – Leauge of Legends To play this amazing game and join our community please use this link here


How to Speed up your PC - Tutorial HD 1080P

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