It was just a few short years ago that Facebook was just a haven for college students to connect with each other online. They could connect with friends from their existing school, find old friends from grade school, and make new friends based on their interests and hobbies. Yep, in the beginning, Facebook was about college students…

Then, a funny thing happened…other people started to catch on and jump into the Facebook pool. No longer was it just college students but twenty and thirty-year olds were joining in the fun as well. A whole new group Sharing updates, swapping stories, and connecting with old friends was growing on the popular social networking site. Before long, Facebook lost its age specific status and now, the super site has grown into a 400 MILLION plus membership base of all age groups, races, and locations. The inevitable was bound to happen…and it is now upon us…Facebook for business.

Although many Facebook purists want to keep businesses at bay, the fact is, where there is money to be made, a product or service will soon follow. Facebook has seen the tremendous opportunity offered by extending businesses a welcome and that has come in the form of the recently launched Facebook Fan Pages.

If you have been on your computer at all in the past year or so, chances are you have received an email from one of your connections asking to become a fan of something. Maybe it was a business, or maybe just a person, the fact is, Facebook Fan Pages are going viral and if you own a business, you had best go grab your own fan page as well. Facebook as defined the Fan Page as a way for businesses to get their products and services in front of the members of Facebook. If THEY are saying it is ok, then it is probably in your best interest to jump into the game and get your business info in front of the more than 400 million members of the social networking leader. You can bet that your competition will be there. There are already several million fan pages in existence and this number is expected to skyrocket in the coming years. Don’t let your business be one that is left out of this huge marketplace. Get started NOW, learn how to maximize your presence and number of fans using Facebook Fan Pages and add this unique marketing tool to your marketing arsenal.

By the way, if you are one of the people sitting back and thinking all this Fan Page stuff is just a fad and will soon pass…keep in mind this little fact: Facebook…is bigger than AMERICA. (population wise) So, if you are serious about building your business for the long term, take advantage of burgeoning social media. Get a Facebook Fan Page, market your business effectively, get fan, and market to those prospects. Facebook is simply helping you to make more money utilizing online resources, but it is up to YOU to take advantage of it!

Source by Mac Cassity

Marketing Your Business on Facebook - Really?

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