Once ones consciousness really begins to waken up, it becomes clear what is really going on in the world - fear and more fear and not enough love.
Fear has been, and continues to be, the great controller and downfall of our species. It disguises itself in many ways: greed, illness, anger, hatred, worry, violence, isolation, defence, offence, excess. These are a few of fears many masks.
We live in a world that is ever consumed with the activity of personal gain. But this again, is just a way to try and abate our fear. We think that the more we have the more secure we will feel, the less afraid we will be. So we go out into the world and compete with our fellow man. If we gain more, then we start to worry that we might lose what we have gained, and so we strive to get even more, and then we get insurance against the possibility of losing what we have gained, because those who also want to gain more, feed our fear and convince us that we need to buy their insurance so that we can have peace of mind, so that we don't have to worry about losing any of our precious possessions.
But buying the illusion that our own, smaller, personal world is secure is not enough. Our fear is much greater than that. So we have become nations and claimed ownership of the earth and its resources and committed atrocities against each other and all of earths inhabitants and claimed the constitutional right to do so in the name of maintaining national security. This of course grants us the right to war against other nations in hope of accessing even more resources. The result is an insatiable gluttony that looks like a world in crisis. And of course this is making us even more afraid.
So enough about the destroying nature of fear, we all in our bones know it personally. What we need to ask now is how do we stop it? How does one go about it? The fact is fear is a conditioned mental state that causes extremely strong emotional and physical responses within us. It makes us blind and reactive, it motivates us without really thinking. Its purpose, like other animals in nature is to activate us when we are in real, immediate danger, but its place in our lives has become nothing less than an over bearing dysfunction. It has over grown its purpose like a malignancy and has robbed us of the real joy of our birthright.
But this malignant kind of fear can be stopped. It can be stopped because it is a conditioned mental state. And with effort, we can change our conditioned mental states. It is clinically proven that each mental state we experience has a correlated brainwave state. The more we think in a particular way, the more we will think in that way. The brain, a highly efficient organising organ, organises its neural activity according to habitual mental habits. To be more precise, the brain builds neural pathways specific to mental functioning. That is why to be good at anything practice is the key. Practice enables the brain to organise and build neurons to make the practiced thing an easily accomplished mental activity. As such, using a variety of methods, fear can be practically 'practised' out of us.
The brainwave state of fear resides high in the beta range. The high beta range is a brainwave frequency range common to mental states / feelings of anxiousness, agitation, fear, hyper thinking, stress and so on. Knowing this it is easy to see why fear is so dominant in our lives given the high levels of stress endemic in the modern world. In order to quell these feelings we need to lower our brainwave frequencies. This is easier done than you might think. All it takes is relaxation, the deeper the relaxation the better. Anything that will get you to relax will lower your brainwave frequency down from the high beta range. But what is not so easy is to make this a practice. Practice is the key. Without practice your brain will not become reconditioned so that (eventually) your natural state is a more relaxed one even when you are not practising being relaxed. To reduce and eventually lose your fear you must practice being relaxed.
Another method to assist in eradicating fear is the practice of loving kindness. The sad truth is we are mostly afraid of each other and most of the people we love; we love because it is self-serving. Loving them makes us feel good. Saying this is not to be judgmental, it is just a discerning fact. Nor is it wrong that we want to feel good. Feeling good is, after all, a legitimate goal in life. But once we can practice loving kindness towards all, without prejudice, conditions, biases, we lose our fear of others and what is more, others sense that we are none threatening and in turn their fear of us reduces. Loving-kindness is a win - win strategy and the most potent antidote to fear.
A third method for reducing our fear is to adopt the habit of claiming "I fear nothing". This might at first seem unauthentic, but by practising this you will eventually begin to believe it. The subconscious cannot differentiate what is true or false. If you keep affirming to yourself "I fear nothing" your subconscious will eventually integrate it as truth and you will begin to experience it as truth. If you say it out loud to yourself right now, you will feel it as an empowering statement because words have power. Words create chemical responses in our brains, together words are thoughts and our thoughts affect our brainwave states. When you get up in the morning, and when you go to bed at night state "I fear nothing". Eventually you will believe it.
Wishing you fearlessness.
For more information on reducing fear and cultivating a conditioned positive mind state, please visit: Positive Mind States
This article may be reprinted with the authors name and website intact. Thank You.
Source by Christine G. Flynn
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