If you’ve been in the online  marketing  business for a while, you’ve probably given  email  marketing  a try already. But a lot of people don’t understand why they seem to be unsuccessful with this potentially powerful marketing method. Let me identify 5 crucial  email  marketing  tips on things to avoid so you won’t have to commit them on your own.

1. They try to sell on every message:  Email  marketing  works best when you establish a genuine and personal connection with your readers. If you do some blatant advertising in each and every message you send, your readers will lose trust in you and think that you’re only out to make a buck. So make sure that you include messages geared towards offering value only once in a while.

2. They don’t ask for feedback: Big companies spend a lot of money on focus groups so they can know what their customer base wants. Well, with your list, you have the same power for a fraction of the cost. Don’t be afraid to ask your subscribers what they think about your product and if they have suggestions to improve it. This way, you’ll be able to make modifications that could result in more sales in the future.

3. They send out too many messages: This is one of the worst mistakes you can make when it comes to  email  marketing . If you send too many messages to your list, you run the risk of losing valuable customers. The best way to know how many messages are acceptable is to check what the competition is doing. Subscribe to as many lists as you can in your niche and check how often they send messages to their list; this should give you an indication of how often you should send messages to your list.

4. Their subject line is too long: The subject line is the first thing your subscriber is going to look at when he opens his inbox. So it’s very important that you keep it short and sweet and try to make it as eye catching as possible. Try to be controversial and/or funny and address your subscriber by his first name as much as possible. You want your message to stand out from the rest, so keep that in mind next time you formulate your messages.

5. They don’t brand their emails: Your list is a great opportunity to get your brand out there, so you should use your messages to reinforce it. Make sure that you include your company’s logo in every message and make sure that it is always located in the same spot. Also make sure that the colors and font you are using in your messages are identical to the ones being used on your website.

If you manage to steer away from these fatal mistakes, your  email  marketing  campaigns will be more efficient. So keep these errors in mind next time your try your hand at  email  marketing . If you do, I’m certain that you will benefit from these  email  marketing  tips.

Source by Michael D Howard

5 Crucial Email Marketing Tips

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