In a world of information overload and opinions, it is necessary to provide a vehicle for anyone to use and get in on the action, hence the blog. So what is the purpose for web  blogging ? Is it an online journal, keeping everyone up-to-date on your relationship status, what you had for lunch, or how you feel about Britney shaving her head? Is it a way for you to provide your opinion on the injustices in the world, what you think the political figures of the nation should do, or to weigh in on how the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico should be handled? Maybe it is a marketing technique for you to draw more traffic to my website. The fact is that web  blogging  is all of the above and more!

Let’s start off simple, what is web  blogging ? A blog is a shorter version of Weblog and is a personal site containing a publication of content sorted chronologically. The latest blog (entry) is featured at the top of the page followed by the former entries. An archive of entries is compiled and there is usually a sidebar that leads to the older entries. The idea of web  blogging  is to facilitate communication between the reader and the owner of the site. At the bottom of each entry, the reader has an opportunity to comment or start up a discussion.

How does one create a blog? Web  blogging  can easily be created without the aid of a web designer, there are a lot of companies that offer free blog hosting allowing anyone to publish their content on the web instantly. If you are chomping at the bit to start publishing on the web and you don’t want to worry about technical maintenance, research TypePad, Blogger, or LiveJournal. There is also blog software out there if you prefer to self-host your blog, take a look at Movable Type, WordPress, or Textpattern. In the event that you want your blog to be incorporated with your website it may be a good idea to consider having a professional web design company like A Visual Identity. This way you have a better chance of having a website that seamlessly integrates your blog.

There are many reasons why someone may start web  blogging  from personal use to educational reasons. But let’s focus on how web  blogging  can benefit a business. Here are some reasons why you may consider web  blogging  in addition to your business website:

Additional Marketing: Overall, web  blogging  is quick and easy to setup. They are great for the technologically-challenged and can adhere to a tight budget. They are a great tool and can become one of the most powerful marketing weapons you can add to your arsenal.

Higher Search Engine Rankings: Search engine optimization is a huge benefit from business  blogging  sans the costs associated with many SEO services. Business bloggers are achieving top search engine rankings since web  blogging  offers the opportunity to promote your web site for hundreds or even thousands of different keywords. A frequently updated blog will continue to climb up the rankings.

Better Communications: Web  Blogging  can be a tool to get a message about your business out to many people. This can eliminate many questions that you may receive through email or phone by including pertinent information in your blog. You can also easily inform customers of any changes, new products, latest offers and much more! Speaking of which, A Visual Identity is offering a no-strings-attached contest! Go to our Facebook page, become our fan, and you can be entered into a contest to win website for your business!

Branding: Another channel for you to get consumer’s attention with your brand. They say it takes on average around seven items of direct communication between you and your customer to make a sale.

Building Rapport: Web  blogging  allows for relationships to be built. You appear accessible and available when you post blogs regularly where it is easy for your audience to engage in the conversation. When you customers actively engage with your blog you are able to gain better insight into what your customers are interested in, allowing you to adjust your interactions to meet your customer’s needs.

Appear Authoritative and Relevant: Consistent posts about your industry make your customers believe that you are continually doing research about your industry and what is new. This will make you look like an authority in your line of business making your customers feel comfortable with taking your direction

When it is all said and done,  blogging  is excellent form of expression. Perhaps you are shy and want to have your voice heard but not on a stage in front of millions of people. Web  blogging  is an opportunity to this and is excellent avenue to promote your business allowing customers to learn more about you industry, your company, and even you! Tell A Visual Identity how web  blogging  has worked for you personally or professionally! Happy  Blogging !

Source by David ODey

Web Blogging

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