Email  marketing  is by far one of the most efficient ways to market your products and services. It allows you to keep a close contact with your prospects and do some follow up, which are all crucial aspects of an effective marketing campaign. But  email  marketing  has to be done the right way in order to work. This is why I’ve decided to give you 6 simple  email  marketing  tips that will allow you to take your  email  marketing  efforts to the next level. So let’s get started, shall we?

1. Keep your subject line short and sweet: A lot of people make the mistake of creating subject lines that are too long. You want to create a short subject line that your readers will be able to read in it’s entirety before they open your email. You also have to make sure that the subject line is compelling and creative so that your message stands out form the rest.

2. Include a call to action in you message: If you fail to include a clear call to action in your newsletter, you won’t be able to direct your readers’ focus towards what you want them to ultimately do, which is to buy your products. You want your call to action to be clear and easy to follow for optimal results.

3. Split test your link placement: The way you display links in your newsletter can significantly influence the results you get. Try different approaches and templates for your newsletter and see which one works best.

4. Use both plain text and html: Some people prefer plain text while others prefer rich html messages. But keep in mind that html messages are not managed the same way by different email providers. So make sure that you try both methods and see which one works the best for you.

5. Address your subscribers by their first name: You have to make sure that you readers feel like you’re talking directly to them. This is why you should always address them by their first name and try to include it in the subject line as much as possible.

6. Don’t send messages too often: Depending on your niche  market , the number of  emails  you send to your list might differ. The best way to know how often you should send emails to your list, you should subscribe to about 5 newsletter in your niche and see how much emails they send on average to their list. This will give you an indication of how many emails you should send to your list.

If you follow the these 6  email  marketing  tips I’ve just given to you, your  email  marketing  efforts will be more fruitful. But make sure that you don’t hassle your subscribers, or else you run the risk of them unsubscribing to your list. So make sure that you respect your subscribers and don’t oversell, this way, you’ll gather a loyal following and you’ll be able to use the power of  email  marketing  to its full capacity.

Source by Michael D Howard

6 Simple Email Marketing Tips

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