There are several online sources today that can explain  blogging  to you. However, there are still a lot of people who have never even heard about blogs. In this day and age, it is very important to have an idea about what  blogging  is so that you can stay up to date about the topics that you like and are interested in.

What is a Blog?

The first step when you explain  blogging  to someone is telling them what a blog really is. A blog can be a website on its own or it can be a part of another website. Usually blogs are maintained by individuals with regular entries, commentaries, description of various events, videos and graphics. The entries would usually be displayed in a reversed chronological order in blogs. The name or the title of the blog can be used to brand yourself. Quite a lot of people use their own names as the title for their blog while many others use the name of their business or a phrase that would describe the topic that the blog is about.

What Can You Use Blogs for?

To explain  blogging  you will also have to learn more about its uses. Generally, a blog is a place where you can write about things that you are passionate about or have an expertise in. Quite a lot of people have personal blogs that they use to keep the readers updated about the events in their life and about day-to-day topics. However, there are many who use blogs to share information about a topic on which they have considerable knowledge and experience. A blog can be used to help others. There are several people who spend hours online searching for information and a blog can be a good venue for them to find answers to the questions that they have.

When you first set up a blog you will have to think about not only the title of the blog but also the theme of the blog. Most blogs will have theme that would be followed for all the entries that have been made. For example, a blog based on the theme of computer consultation services will provide information only on that topic and not on something that is not relevant to that topic. However, there are several people who maintain a personal blog and write events that occur in day-to-day life, their life journey, likes and dislikes etc. It can be a type of personal journal for several people. The readers of the blog can also leave their comments and share their opinions. The information given above explain  blogging  in the most basic terms, however, there are still quite a lot of things that you will have to learn about  blogging  for using it as a marketing tool.

Source by Thomas Freers

Explain Blogging - What Is Blogging?

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