In order to build a successful website, you have to concentrate on building SEO friendly links back to your page. There are several different ways to accomplish this and inside this article I’m going to discuss the easiest and most effective methods that I have found. Search engines are looking for high quality back links to your site in order to determine the quality of the content that you are providing, so make sure you focus your efforts on quality and not solely on quantity.

A lot of internet marketers have not used the methods that I will discuss and have misused the link building procedure. They have gone for quantity by building back link farms. While these links appear to be beneficial, the search engines do not favor them and might even restrict those sites that have poor quality back links. But those who have taken the time to develop quality links to their sites have a much greater chance of success and will see great results too.

As promised here are 5 techniques you can use to build high quality back links to your site and keep the search engines happy too.

1. Content posting – If the information you publish is of top quality there is a good chance your content will be picked up by other marketers. This means other marketers will publish your content on their sites. Make sure your content contains a link back to your website. When other marketers use your content on their sites having this link is crucial to using this method effectively.

2. Forum Posting – Be a part of some community forums within your market and make sure your signature contains a link back to your site. You should always check the rules within the forum before doing so, as some community forums don’t allow back hyperlinks. Once you see that using links are allowed, visit the forum as much as possible to contribute as much as you can. Leave helpful tips and suggestions and members within the community are likely to click back to your site through your link.

3. Link exchanges – Another great way is through link exchanges. In a link exchange you contact other internet marketers and offer to exchange hyperlinks. To accomplish this You put a link to their website on your site and they do the same for you and position a link to your website on their site. This method is very effective plus it helps to establish you as a possible expert within your target market, allowing you to contact other marketers to do the same thing.

4. Commenting on other blogs – Find other blogs within your target market to post high quality comments and feedback on. Don’t forget to have your the link back to your site also inside your comment. Make sure you are not spamming these other sites with junk information. Concentrate on delivering quality information and you will be rewarded with a quality back link to your site.

5. Content Promotion – Write content and publish it to article content publishing sites. Most article content publishing sites will allow you to include a resource box where you can write something a little about yourself and more importantly include a back link to your site. Great high quality content will attract a lot visitors and if you use your resource box wisely can be a very powerful tool to drive traffic to your site through the back link.

Well that’s it for today. I hope you have found these 5 methods helpful. Remember that to achieve any type of positive results you first have to take action. So I encourage you today to take one of these methods and apply it to your online business today. The results you are looking for could be just a few quality back links away.

Source by Randy F Wilson

A Successful Website Needs SEO Link Popularity

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