Recent research shows that 67% of marketers around the world rated  email  marketing  as the most effective marketing method in 2012. But it takes skill to create a successful  email  marketing  campaign so that your target audience actually opens your  email  when it hits their e-mail inbox.

Here are 8  email  marketing  campaign tips.

1. Your subject line needs to attract attention.

The first rule of your  email  marketing  campaign is to have a subject line that will grab the reader’s attention so that they will want to open the  email . Think of it like a headline on a newspaper or advertisement. If it catches your attention, you want to read more.

2. Write copy that is easy to read.

If someone has opened your email because of your interesting subject line, you need to keep their interest. Use short paragraphs with relevant copy and bullet points so that people can quickly scan the content. Use simple, easy to understand language written in short, concise sentences.

3. Make the links easy to follow.

The aim of your  email  marketing  campaign is to encourage your readers to click on a link to a landing page or sales page. Make the links in your text obvious and give readers more than one opportunity to click on them. Use text that has a compelling reason to click on the link and try to avoid just saying ‘click here’.

4. Allow people to unsubscribe.

Nobody wants to buy anything from a pushy sales person. Your emails need to be friendly and provide relevant information to your reader. However, if your reader decides that they no longer want to receive emails from you, allow them to unsubscribe easily. If you make it difficult, they will start to resent your emails and certainly will never buy from you. They may also report you as spam, which will cause you problems in the future.

5. Be personal.

Your  email  marketing  campaign should be written as if it was going to one person. Always communicate as if speaking directly to your reader. A personalised  email  marketing  campaign will increase click through rates and open rates. You want to be perceived as their friend and someone who actually cares about them. The secret is to try to engage in the conversation that is already happening in their head and to the more you are able to do this, the more engaging your content will be.

6. Provide value.

Each time you send an  email  marketing  campaign, you need to think how the content will benefit your audience. People buy from people, companies and brands they like and respect. If your only aim is just to just sell stuff and make money, you will not build any relationship with your list and your unsubscribe rate will be very high.

7. Test before sending.

Do not send your  email  marketing  campaign without making sure that it is working. Send the email to yourself to check that it looks and reads as you intended, all your links work, and any personalisation is working correctly.

8. Get an autoresponder.

Your autoresponder is the like the customer service department that works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An autoresponder is one of the best tools for your  email  marketing  campaign as it can send out a predetermined set of  emails  over a period of time to your target audience. This is important because according to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.

Source by Jon Allo

8 Email Marketing Campaign Tips

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