Blog is the abbreviated form of the word ‘web log’. The word blog owes it origin to John Barger. Blog is a new generation word which everyone finds very difficult to define. Blog is actually a website in which continuous exchange of information takes place. During the early stages blogs were based on personal topics like hobbies and recipes. But now blogs have traveled a long way and they are being used by companies for business purposes and to maintain relationship with their customers. Starting a blog can be a thrilling and exciting experience.

What to write on is a question frequently asked by those who are planning to start a blog. The best option is to find a topic which you are passionate about. So that you will stick to it for a long time. Energy level is very important in the case of blogging. The topic must have the power to excite you. Topic breadth is another factor which should be taken into consideration while choosing a topic. Never select a topic that is wide or a one that is so narrow. The saying Rome was not built in a day holds true in the case of blogging. Success cannot be achieved all of a sudden. You must have to be patient; the blog takes about 12 months or more to succeed. The blog must be updated daily or else it will be considered dead. The title of the blog should be catchy. Never commit a mistake by choosing a title which resembles a competitor’s blog. You should develop a writing style of your own. Care should be taken not to load the content with keywords. Following SEO techniques will help you achieve a better result.

Readers are the strength of a blogger. The kind of the relationship you maintain with them is important for the success of the blog. The writings should be in an enthusiastic way. Readers can leave comments and tips on an article or impression about the site. This is one feature which makes blogs unique from other websites. Most of the blogs will be in conversational style. Never start a blog unless you have sufficient time for it. The time required for a blog varies depending upon the topic. During the beginning, you may not have to spend much time, but as you get involved it requires more time and commitment. Get a domain name of your own for the blog. The name should contain the keywords which people often search for. The blogging platform should be powerful and must be able to expand when desired. which is available for free download can be used. Comment a lot on other people’s blog. It is an excellent way to get traffic on your site and also helps in building healthy relationship with other bloggers. Reply back to every comment your readers leave. Make them feel that you value them the most. Always try to create a community feel among your readers.

Anyone can become a successful blogger provided that he has some talent and a thorough knowledge of the topic. Blogging has now become the easiest online money making method and made lives easier.

Source by Debbie L Fraser

Beginning Blogging

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