If you have an online presence, either as an internet marketer, or as an extension of your offline business, then you will know the value of blogging. It’s a necessary part of your marketing funnel.

But, it’s also one of the most underused marketing tools, and so in this article I want to share with you a novel way to not only drive targeted traffic to your blog, but also to get paid for doing so.

You know already many of the benefits of having your own blog.

  • It’s a central place where readers can learn more about you and the value that you offer them.

  • It’s a place where people can sign up to receive a free eBook, eReport, mp3 or mp4.

  • It enlarges your web footprint.

  • It can be optimized.

  • It’s a place into which you can receive inbound links

And it’s really this last point that is significant.

Not only can you get inbound links from having your articles published, but you can also do it by blogging for others; that is, by contributing valuable content to the blogs of those who are in your niche.

One of the things that ghostwriters will often do is to write for someone else’s blog, but instead of getting an inbound link, they are paid for what they write.

This is getting more and more popular because of the increasing need for high quality posts.

(If you’re not a writer, then you’ll know what a challenge it can be.)

But if you can write, which simply means that you can communicate effectively with words, then there’s writing strategy that you ought to consider.

While I won’t claim to be the inventor of it, I will say that I’ve never seen it discussed anywhere.

(Maybe it’s a secret.)

Anyway, here’s the idea.

Write for blogs that not only pay you for what you write, but also are in your niche.

Let me give you an example.

Suppose that your niche is health foods.

You have a blog of your own where you talk about the importance of eating natural foods, and you also review different products that are available.

Some of those products you offer via your shopping cart.

Now imagine that you want to expand your web presence, so you decide to start guest blogging.

You know that the main advantage to doing so is so that you’ll get inbound links.

By why settle for that.

Instead, why not find those blogs that will pay you for your posts and also give you a backlink to your blog.

Of course, there will be many blogs that won’t let you do this. It’s usually one or the other.

But given the need for high quality content, this is something that could become more widespread.

Source by Bruce Hoag

Blogging for Dosh

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