When it comes to Social Media Optimization, there are endless possibilities of tools and tricks you can use to build  link  popularity  with the search engines. Here, I want to focus on creating profiles, building network of friends, and link building with profiles.

Creating profiles

So what does it mean to create a profile? A perfect example would be when you sign up for a Facebook or myspace account, you need to create a profile for yourself. The profile describes anything you want people to know about you or your business: your name, address, phone number, age, sex, interests, hobbies etc. It basically acts like an about us page.

Make sure the social media communities you’re considering meet the following criteria when signing up and creating a profile.

1) Does it allow you to create a static address?

2) Are you able to create your brand within the address of the application?

3) Does it give you followed links?

What is the difference between a followed link verses a non follow link? A followed  link  will be a regular  link  that helps to create a back  link  to your website to build your  link  popularity . A non follow link is a link that prevents Google from reading it or giving it any credit. To check to see if a social media community uses non follow links go into the code for the link. The code for the link would look something link this:

So, if the social media community uses a non follow link it would be better to skip signing up for that community.

Link building with profiles

If the social media community follows the criteria above, you are ready to build links using profiles.

1) Brand your business name

When you create your profile, make sure to brand your business name. What this means is when you create a blog or feed within your account, make sure to put the name of your company within the blog. For example gameznstuff.blogspot or mattsiltala.newsvine. Basically it means having your brand name within URL of the web page.

2) Tell about yourself or your business

This can be done in the profile area typically under hobbies and interests or within the about us area. This is the perfect place to build  link  popularity  for your business. An example is my interests and hobbies area from my Facebook account, in which I have linked the follow major keyword phrases: Nvidia graphic cards, Computer video game cheats, this is done to help build ranking with the search engines, especially Google.

Building a Network of Friends

So now you have all of these social media communities you have signed up for, it that it? No! Now you want to add friends to you social media communities.

1) You obviously want to find bloggers that have similar interests and hobbies as you. Then do all you can to build a relationship with them.

A perfect example from my experience is a former co-worker named Brandon Buttars. We would exchange links to help each other out, and while doing this, I was receiving a lot of traffic to my blog through Brandon’s blog. It is as simple as creating a network of friends that you can share links with. By doing so you are building your  link  popularity  and getting free traffic at the same time. Another reason for building a network of friends is that you can always bounce ideas off of each other and post those ideas on each other’s blogs.

2) Have them refer their friends

Another co-worker has close network of friends on a number social media communities as a result he is able to get on top with his article within a day or so within that social media community like digg or del.icio.us.

Source by Kirk Jensen

Using Profiles to Build Link Popularity

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