The Art of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a very affordable marketing tool for a small business. It doesn’t matter is you are an international internet marketer or just run a small mom-n-pop shop down the street, email marketing when used properly can boost your sales to new levels.

Think of email marketing as an “automated marketing rep”. When used properly it can turn reluctant prospects into interested buyers and buyers into satisfied customers. Email marketing it the art of calling attention to yourself and your business with the use of email messages.

Your email messages can take a variety of formats. They can be short one paragraph teasers (think digital post card) that basically lure readers into clicking on a link to finish reading the rest of story on a webpage. One format is the full pledged, full color HTML “news magazine”.

Another format is a breezy conversational style letter. Still another is the hardcore, plain vanilla text-only “business how-to” newsletter. Pick a format that suits your style, your business model and the information you want to delivery.

The real art behind email marketing is relationship building. No matter how technologically savvy, we humans become it still boils down to the simple idea that people like conducting business with like-minded people, who they know, like and trust.

Email lets subscribers get to know you. Through your emails they find out fast if you are a greedy egoist, always pushing the next big thing, always doing the hard sell. They will also discover if you are good mentor, teacher or coach and whether or not you want to help them solve their problems. They will also know if you are “faking it” and are just “parroting” back what they have heard instead of sharing what they that have learned either through study or from personal experience.

Email also helps subscribers to learn to like you. Don’t have to win any contests for Miss or Mr. Congeniality or anything but you do have to be yourself. Don’t be a faker. Just write your emails the way you talk. Actually type along as you talk so your true rhythm and voice can come through. Sure some people won’t like you, others won’t care one way or the other and another group will become your fan club! It’s this group who will buy your products and become repeat customers.

Also your email list will let your readers learn to trust you. The core foundation in any business is trust. Trust has been called the “lubricant” between the gears of commerce. Without it, the massive machine of business and trade quickly breaks down and locks up.

Trust can’t be rushed although marketing gurus hold fast to the 7 to 9 rule. That a prospect has to be exposed to your marketing message anywhere from 7 to 9 times before they will buy. This maybe true, but I believe without trust, the exposure numbers (from introduction to purchase) would be much higher than 9!

Email marketing is as much an art as it is a science but now that you understand much how this underutilized business tool can affect your income, you should be ready to start using it to increase profits for your business.

Source by Michael S. Murphy

Email Marketing Know How

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