Search engines are the entrance to the internet and the most frequently used tool that customers will use to find the goods and services they are looking for. And, it is thought by many experienced marketers to be more effective even than getting paid traffic.

This is the reason  link  popularity  is so important. Without  link  popularity  it is near impossible to get good positioning in the search engines and find yourself in the first listings for any given keyword. You can have the best website featuring quality products and services, but if you are not found, you will not achieve success as an online marketer.

To be successful online, you have to make your web page links popular. Search engines give much weight to your  link  popularity . The more popular or competitive a keyword is, the harder you will need to work in order to gain a good position in the search engines, so choose your keywords well.

If you are in a highly competitive field, it might be a good idea to choose a mix of keywords. Along with the most popular, find others that are less searched for and work your way up. Once you begin to gain ground for some lesser keywords, then turn your attention to the more competitive keywords.

So how do you gain  link  popularity ?

When choosing link partners be selective. Yes it does take longer, but choosing low quality sites to exchange link with is not in your best interest.

Choose quality sites that can offer something of value to your visitors. Avoid sites that have huge never ending pages of links.

One of the first things you should do is submit your site to DMOZ. Choose the most appropriate category and write a good description of your site. This should not be a sales pitch. Read their guidelines and follow them. Then move on and don’t hold your breath.

Getting into DMOZ is very difficult and takes time. It could never happen, but if it does it is work the effort. This will give your site some status.

You could also submit your site for a paid listing in Yahoo. This is not cheap if yours is a business website, but can be very beneficial.

there are many free directories you can submit your site to. Write good descriptions, and choose your title or anchor text with care. Most directories will only let you link to your home page.

Use the following methods to get links to your other pages:

Writing and submitting articles is a very good way to get links. There are many article banks where you can submit articles for free. There are also services or software to help you automate the submission process.

Once you are comfortable with the article writing process, another way to gain links is to offer to write articles for a site that is related to yours with the stipulation that you either have a link within the article itself, or that you are allowed a bio box with a link to your website.

Not everyone will warm to this idea, and you will have to prove yourself first. You could either point the webmaster to a place where your articles are already published on the web, or you could send a sample article.

Writing testimonials and posting to forums is another method, but very time consuming.

Check out many of the popular bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking is the new wave. Use common sense, and don’t overdo it, but if done right this can bring you many backlinks. And last of all, be patient. Getting  link  popularity  is a lot of work and will take time, but will pay handsomely.

Source by Illa Maden

Gaining Link Popularity

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